The Uttar Pradesh (UP) police in their massive crackdown on the much talked about Umesh Pal’s murder case have shot another culprit here on March 6. The accused has been identified as Vijay alias Usman Chaudhary. The encounter took place in the Kaundhiyara police station area of Prayagraj city.
Earlier UP police declared a reward of 50,000 rupees on Usman.
Before Usman, the UP police special operation team shot accused Arbaz on February 27, three days after Umesh Pal’s murder. As per the police investigations, the vehicle used in the murder was driven by Arbaz. This encounter took place in the Nehru Park area of the city.
In an interview with ANI, Dr Badri Vishal Singh, Emergency Medical Officer at the Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital, Prayagraj said, “Patient Usman was brought dead. We performed the examinations following which he was declared dead & the body was sent to the mortuary. He was shot and sustained two bullet wounds”.
Ramit Sharma, Commissioner of Police, Prayagraj while speaking to the media said, An encounter broke out between the police and the accused Vijay alias Usman in the Kaundhiyara police station area.
Ever since the eye witness of the BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) MLA Raju Pal’s murder (2005), Umesh was shot dead in broad daylight the UP police were tracking the culprits. So far they have neutralised two of them.
Umesh was returning from the court after recording his final statement in the case when he was attacked by the goons on February 24. The incident took place in the Sulem Sarai area of the city which falls under Dhoomanganj Police Station. In this attack, Umesh’s security guard Sandeep Nishad was also killed.
Gangster Atiq Ahmed is the prime suspect in MLA Raju Pal’s murder who is currently locked in the Gujrat jail. Uttar Pradesh district administration has been bulldozing illegal properties belonging to Ahmed.
After Umesh’s murder, the UP Chief Minister, Yogi Aditya Nath in the state assembly said, “Mafiaon ko mitti me mila denge”.
After Umesh’s murder, a complaint was registered by his wife Jaya against Atiq Ahmed, his brother Ashraf, his wife Shaista Parveen, two sons, aides Guddu Muslim and Ghulam, and nine others at the Dhoomganj police station.
The UP police on Sunday declared a bounty of 2.5 lakh rupees on all five accused involved in the murder. These accused are namely– Asad, Arma, Gulam, Guddu Muslim and Sabir.
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