In a recent hearing, the Patna high court directed the Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Bihar police to file their investigation report of 88 Madrasas that had earlier taken grants from the State Government while operating with fake registration within a time frame of 4 months.
A bench headed by the working chief justice of the Patna High Court, Chakradhari Saran Singh, on February 15 while hearing a public litigation of Mohd. Alauddin Bismil instructed the government to file a detailed report of the investigation in the next hearing.
The court, in its verdict, also observed that the government aid provided to 609 out of a total of 2459 madrasas under the radar should remain discontinued till the team submits its finding before the court.
Earlier on the 24th of the last month, the honourable court had directed the additional chief secretary of education to conduct an enquiry into a total of 2459 madrasas that are suspected to be running without proper documentation; the High Court had also asked the additional secretary to call a meetup of all the district collectors to enquire about the resources of the madrasas under the scanner.
The bench, composed of Chief Justice Sanjay Karol and Justice Parth Sarthi, had ordered the DGP of the State to file a detailed report before the court, the court in its verdict, had also instructed the government to immediately suspend the grants for a total of 609 madrasas under the radar for running on the behest of fake documentation.
Meanwhile, during the hearing on Wednesday, the State Government informed the court that after getting reports of irregularities, a district and a State-level enquiry team was set up to investigate the matter in which a total of 88 madrasas were found to be running illegally, an FIR about that has been subsequently registered, and the enquiry is on.
During the hearing, the councillor of the petitioner, Adv. Rashid Izhar informed the court that the special director of higher secondary, Mohm submitted the report. Tasnimur Rehman read that irregularities regarding documentation have been found in a total of 88 of the madrasas in the Sitamarhi District alone.
It should be noted that the reports about madrasas that enjoyed government grants with fake registrations in the State have been doing the rounds for a long following which public litigation in this matter had been filed before the court.