Amazon de-platforms book ‘Modi and Me’ by Saurav Dutt, cites ‘Hindutva themed literature’ as the reason

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Amazon is once again in the news for another controversy. On February 5, 2023, author and political analyst Saurav Dutt informed on social media that his book ‘Modi and Me: A Political Reawakening’ was removed by Amazon giving the reason as the book was a ‘Hindutva based literature’. In a tweet, Dutt said, “Ok so my book Modi & Me: A Political Reawakening has been taken off at Amazon and my account deleted after complaints about its contents. This is ridiculous, a complete farce. Will share more details soon.”

Amazon in its message to Saurav said, “During a review, we have found that your account is related to a KDP account that we previously terminated for selling the book “Modi and Me: A Political Reawakening” which was the subject of complaints for allegedly spreading communal dissension and triggering customers because of Hindutva themed literature. Amazon KDP takes the customer experience seriously and titles such as this are subiect to action if several complaints are raised about content that can upset or antagonise, which yours was seen to fall within. As stated in our Terms and Conditions, if we terminate an account after complaints of this nature, you are not allowed to establish a new KDP account. As a result, we are terminating this account effective immediately and you may not open any new KDP accounts.”

“We will close your account. You are no longer eligible to receive any outstanding royalties for the book ‘Modi and Me: A Political’. You will no longer have access to your accounts. This includes, editing your titles, viewing your reports and accessing any other information within your account. All of your published titles will be removed from sale on Amazon. If you have questions or believe you have additional information for us to consider, please reply to this message,” Amazon added in its mail to Saurav.

Columnist, author and TIME and Esquire magazine featured political commentator Saurav Dutt provides a comprehensive study of how and why Narendra Modi’s India offers a powerful and unsparing bulwark against anti-Indian and anti-Hindu sentiment in a country fractured by minority vote-bank politics, national-populism and ethno-religious division by left-wing supremacist ideologues, specifically tackling the emerging threat of Hinduphobia both in India and beyond.

Dutt examines why Hindu nationalism and the growth of Hindutva brings India towards a stronger form of ethnic democracy, one that has propelled India’s economy, national security, federalism, foreign relations, legislative reach, judiciary, media and civil society despite the overreach of communities and political group-think that seeks to relegate Hindus to second-class citizens who are fair targets for Hinduphobia.

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