‘You have allowed war machines (Migrants) to enter our country’: AFD leader calls out Islamic Radicalisation in Germany

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In a speech to the Interior Minister and eminent citizens of the German nation in Bundestag, the former police superintendent of police and a member of the Alternative für Deutschland (AFD), the main extreme nationalist party of Germany, Martin HassMartin Hass has described the threat of Islamic terrorism at a large scale and its impact on the German Citizens under the Angela Merkel’s Chancellorship.

The underlying cause of the violence is the unrestricted access and the entry of so-called “war machines” and migrants into the country.

According to Martin, Germany has now become more insecure than ever before and the government is losing more and more ground to its enemies. At present, Islamic terrorism and its subsequent aftershocks have rattled the nation on a large scale.

“The Islamic terrorist threat is higher than ever. The rates of migrant and knife crime are rising steadily. Serious sexual offenses, such as gang rape, are on the rise. Women and children are being pushed on tracks in front of arriving trains.”

He further criticised the government for the formulation of a poor domestic security policy and a fatal migration policy. The rates of migrant and knife-attacking crimes are rising at a fast pace. Several severe sexual offences, such as gang rape, are on the rise.

The women and children are being pushed on tracks in front of arriving trains indicating their brutal, notorious and inhuman mindset.

Hospitals, swimming pools, schools and unemployment centres can no longer function without security personnel. The attacks against police, the fire brigade and rescue workers are becoming more and more brutal.

Criminals and rogues run entire city districts with an iron fist, storming police stations and hospitals. The security authorities confirm and warn about the massive influx of new dangerous clans with war-experienced immigrants.

German children will no longer be able to remember Christmas and other festivals (Oktoberfest, Carnival and Halloween) without terror and heavily armed police officers, and that’s precisely the central evidence of the failure of the government.

He additionally blamed the Federal Government for taking wrong decisions in policy formulation which resulted in large-scale violence and internal political instability.

Martin called on the government to stop all monetary funding to the “Ditib” (a Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs.) for sending money to all mosques. He further called on the government to keep a check on the anti-governmental activities of the Ditib which are noticed by security agencies themselves.

The financing of Islamists and Salafists should be abruptly stopped too.

He stated that the German people cannot and will never accept this security disaster. The greatest possible security for its citizens must be finally and firmly established with no compromises at any cost.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the only classical European party on German politics. They are family-oriented, want secure borders, and believe in preserving the nation-state of Germany, much as President Trump does of the United States of America.

In the end, he made an urgent appeal to the German Authorities to protect the German Citizens in the best possible way for God’s Sake.

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