Lucknow: On December 24, the Uttar Pradesh Police said about 14 people were accused of cow slaughter and were arrested during an encounter with miscreants in the Sarsawa area of Lakhimpur Kheri District. As per the police, apart from the two accused persons, a policeman also sustained bullet injury in retaliatory firing during an encounter with miscreants on December 18.
Sanjeev Suman, (Superintendent of police) Lakhimpur Kheri mentioned “Arms, cartridges, Hollow-Point bullet, 4 mobiles, Rs 2,770 in cash and tools for cow slaughter have been recovered from the accused.” The SP further said action will be taken against all the accused under the Uttar Pradesh Gangster Act and the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act.
Adding to it SP said “A search is on for the remaining four accused. They will also be arrested soon. The watchman of the Gaushala (cow shelter) is among those arrested for his alleged role in the crime “. The police were informed on December 18 that 15 cows had gone missing from the Gaushala in Susi village in the Lakhimpur Kheri District.
Following which the SP added “Around 15 cows were smuggled out and allegedly slaughtered in connivance with Arun Tiwari, the watchman of the cow shelter. The local police registered a case and started an investigation.”
Also “During a search operation, an encounter took place between the miscreants and our officers at Sarsawa Shshjani Chhakrod in the Kheri area on December 18. A constable, Rahul Kumar, sustained a bullet injury in retaliatory firing with miscreants. Jibrael and Taufiq Kha, 2 accused, were also injured in the encounter,” the SP informed. (with further inputs from ANI)
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