Myth Of Hindu Disunity

The West is wrong when it says that Hindus cannot unite. If lack of unity was the case then how come Hindus ruled from Afghanistan to Myanmar

Published by
Subhas Mitra

This is my way of countering Winston Churchill’s Hindu drubbing, calling us windbags, meaning people who cannot unite.

Unity in diversity is like beauty in the eyes of the beholder. If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder then we are accepting that our life experiences shape our “opinions” of attractiveness/disliking. But whether the beholder’s opinion is a product of one’s genes or one’s environment has long been a question for scientists.

My question is whether the opinions of the followers of the religions of books are the product of the books? One is commanded to “love or hate”. Where is the beholder’s opinion?

Beatrice Webb (founder of “cooperative federalism” and “cooperative individualism”), the British socialist, wrote in 1804, “Those who broke ‘commandments’ were unworthy in this universe”. Unity for them was part of commands.

Delineating Diversity

Diversities are the basic elements of creation. Rig Veda emphasises, ‘The universal law of life, everything on this planet is composed of five basic elements or the “panchamahabhutas ´पंचमहाभुता).” These are Akash (Sky or Space), Vayu (Air), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire), and Prithvi (Earth). The unity of these diverse elements is the secret of creation. Similarly, Hindu’s social diversities united them from within and not to kill or convert anyone or destroy any civilisation.

Basic instincts too vary from one person to another. Hindu sages identified them based on one’s Guna and Karma. Guṇa (गुण) can be translated as “quality, peculiarity, attribute, property”. ‘Guna’ represents what we desire and ‘karma’ denotes what we deserve reflected in our aptitudes.

In India, both of them Christions and Muslims used deception and violence as the main weapon to destroy Hindus. Our Constitution is Abrahamic deception, devoid of any Hindu spirit or jurisprudence

Moses salvaged slaves by uniting them, while Christ wanted to unite a greater society beyond slaves. The Prophet wanted to bring together people to oppose the existing ways of living by sharing booties with soldiers who joined him. Each one condemned his previous one thereby along with newer forms of unity; new enmity, intolerance, and hatred also emerged. This is what I call a “refusal of diversity”.

Hindus right from Vedic time to these days accepted many new ways/changes but never condemned their past. This is the basic difference in the sense of unity.

Hindus Never Believed In Abrahamic Concept

Did all disunity, enmity, and hatred come from the Abrahamic concept of “Equality in the eyes of God”, mentioned in their books as well as their byproduct called Communism? All humans of their respective faith are the same but others are to be converted or killed to maintain that blessed equality.

We Hindus never believe in “such” equality as our forefathers never told us to live in a make-believe world. Our equality is:

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5, Verse 18

विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि।
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिता: समदर्शिन:।। 18।।

BG 5.18: The truly learned, with the eyes of divine knowledge, see with equal vision a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater.

Concept of Unity

I think the concepts of unity in Hindus are different from Abrahamic people’s concept of equality. For us, Ekta (oneness) and for them, unity (togetherness), and both are not the same. Similarity and equality also are not the same. They ‘tolerate’, while we ‘accept’. When one does not tolerate, they resort to intolerance that ends up in destruction through violence or deception. For unity, there needs to be a “purpose” or a ‘media. We may call the purpose ‘Crusade’ or ‘Jihad’ and to whom they could not destroy becomes gentiles or kafir,’ whereas oneness needs acceptance (as one) and mutual trust. With age (time) when such destruction became near impossible they came out of their books and adapted ways and means of tolerating (doing business with intolerable) by keeping aside the differences for “purpose” and called it Unity by Secular (deception). Thus secularism pushed through our throats is Abrahamic deception.

For us, Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 7, Verse 21
यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्त: श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति।
तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम्।। 21 ।।

Translate: whichever celestial forms (or religions) a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady the faith of such a devotee in that form).

Unity as ऐक्य Togetherness and एकता Oneness:

Unity as ‘oneness’ is with acceptance of diversity, while unity as ‘togetherness’ may be a rejection of diversity. Christians may have theosophical similarities but never inter-church equality.

Had there been unity among Christians, the UK would have not gone into the hand of Jihadists nor could Jihadists make the USA a safe haven for terrorists. The only unity prevailed in 1665 AD at the gate of Vienna when Christians denied their inter-Church differences to fight Jihadists and then reverted Spain from an Islamic state. But here is another example:

In India, both of them Christions and Muslims used deception and violence as the main weapon to destroy Hindus. Our Constitution is Abrahamic deception, devoid of any Hindu spirit or jurisprudence

“On St. Bartholomew’s Day, August 24 1572, Catholics set upon Protestants of Paris, instigated by the mother of the French king, who was angry that her daughter had married a Protestant on August 18. The massacres continued for many weeks. Estimated 70,000 protestants were killed. Rest fled to England and Switzerland.

When news reached the Pope, he was elated, and ordered paintings of scenes of the massacre in a Vatican room, which exists to this day”.

Why Abrahamic Projected Hindus In Disarray

We either accept or reject. For rejecting, one need not indulge in destructive violence or deceptions. This is why Hindus are not aggressive or oppressive but when they retaliate they can be brutal too. Since we are not people of books, we do not behave in the way they do. Without unity, how did Hindus rule from Afghanistan to Myanmar without any travelling restrictions, without passport visas, and without currency exchanges? Is there any reason to believe that the barbarian destroyer of civilisations were checked in India for 800 years without Hindu unity? Christians did more destruction in parts of West Asia, Europe, America, and Australia than Muslims did. In India, both of them Christions and Muslims used deception and violence as the main weapon to destroy Hindus. Our Constitution is Abrahamic deception, devoid of any Hindu spirit or jurisprudence.

Coming to the question of lack of unity in stopping the foreign invasion, we should not forget that those were the norms of the day anywhere in the world. Native rulers did not understand the motive (and spirit) of the 1491 AD invasion of America by Columbus and canon wielding, Bible showing evangelists in the European Union or Australia. We know of the furious fights among kings of Scotland and other kingdoms. Yes, when it was the Ireland-England war of centuries, religious unity did work. The same thing happened in India when Moh’d Ghori attacked. Hindus failed to understand him as civilisation destroyer and thought of him as a conqueror. Hindus even joined Muslim’s “holy war at Karbala” (Hussaini Brahman). Hindus have no reason to be apologetic.

Why do we read our history full of stories that put Hindus as cowards, foolish, betraying, and self-inflicting? For me, the answer is—“ideological invasion” through a system of education by distorting philology. We have been made to refuse history in Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas but we have all tall talks on Bible /Quran. We have historians writing ancient Indian history without knowing Sanskrit. All our scriptures are translated into English/French mostly by evangelists or darbari (court) scholars of our colonial masters whose interest was to infuse inferiority in Hindus to excel with superiority in all fields.

Assessment & Evaluation (AE):

For centuries we are being assessed and evaluated by our Abrahamic invaders who had/have the commandment to destroy idolater pagan (Hindus) without learning or understanding us.

Without proper AE no one can attain efficiency. But let a fashion designer be perfect in AE but if the measuring tape is defective, the output must be defective. If the weight for weighing is defective the trader’s entire packaging will be faulty.

We have historians writing ancient Indian history without knowing Sanskrit. All our scriptures are translated into English/French mostly by evangelists or darbari (court) scholars of our colonial masters whose interest was to infuse inferiority in Hindus to excel with superiority in all fields

Similarly, the persons assessing and evaluating Hindus are those who are the product of a “social mould” framed by designer historians and Nehruvian/communists authors and pen pushers. We, Hindus for generations, are trying to fit ourselves in the “mould” they make.

Here we are talking about Windsor Churchill who won AE of his Spy Silver changed because of religion.

His assessments:

a. In 1942 Churchill said “The Hindus are windbags. Yes, windbags! Oh, of course, when it comes to fine speeches, skillfully balanced resolutions and legalistic castles in the air, the Hindus are real experts!”

b. The credit for winning World War–II goes to Churchill but he gave credit to Indian spy Silver. He writes in his book about Mountstuart Elphinstone, a scholar who reached Afghanistan in 1808. (Shah Shujah Durrani was ruler and Nand Ram Tikoo was PM). Eliphinstone preferred the Islamic faith over that of the Hindus. British officials were happy that none of this “brave and warlike Muslim race” wanted to be “civilised” or have anything to do with British education, let alone western values and ideas.

c. British fought “Frontier war” with Pathan & Afridi tribes in 1895-97 for control of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or Tirah valley of India (now Pakistan)

d. In 1945, Feb 23, he said, “The Hindus were a foul race….to be bombed and destroyed”. As he discovered his super Spy Silver was Bhagat Ram Talwar, (1908—1983) the only quintupled spy in World War-II, a Hindu Pathan born in Afghanistan and lived in Swat valley.

e. Four years after Silver’s birth, Beatrice Webb (founder of “co-operative federalism” and “co-operative individualism”) visited Peshawar and recorded how the British officials saw the uneducated Muslim Pathans as far superior to the Hindus.

Guru Dayal Das being burnt alive in oil by Mugal ruler Aurangzeb

It is now globally recognised that Christian evangelists have distorted and falsified global history right from the time they burnt the books of Mayan.

Therefore if we come out of the social mould and look around, we will find Hindus are united deep within and Abrahamic unity is limited, purpose-oriented, and exhibitory to reap the benefits. His windbag comment is directly related to his fixation of mind to understand beyond The Bible.

A friend of mine believes—It is true that Western thought epitomised by Newtonian Mechanics, the Economics of Adam Smith, and the Protestant Ethics of Max Weber, all led to colonisation and eventually its collapse to various flavours of Communism and Socialism. Eventually, communism too collapsed towards the end of the last millennium and there are signs of Western Style Globalism, oligarchies, capitalism, and associated pollution, global warming, and moral decay. It surely is creaking at joints and perhaps a new order may be around the corner. It will not usher in without pain and the world will look for new thoughts and new ideas. If India looks within, it may be able to lend a hand and show the way.

Till the time we see the “new world order,” it is ‘beholders’ who have to train their eyes to see the beauty of India and Hinduism.

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