Bhratiya Mahila Morcha workers intruded into the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation office overpowering the barricades defying the lathi charge and water cannon. Despite the tight security and the aforementioned police atrocities Mahila Morcha people reached up to the Mayor’s chamber. They demanded the resignation of CPM Mayor Arya Rajendran and the dissolution of the Corporation Council in the wake of the Mayor’s letter to the CPM district secretary seeking the list of the party comrades to fill the temporary vacancies, which are likely to be permanent, coming under the Council.
BJP Thiruvananthapuram district president V.V. Rajesh told the media that his party would not compromise with anything short of the resignation of the Mayor and the dissolution of the Council.
Then Bharatiya ST Morcha workers marched to Corporation offices. They protested against the misappropriation of the SC/ST funds by the Corporation authorities. Workers and police are engaged in pulls and shoves. An injured worker has been taken to hospital. He was kicked in the chest by the police.
It is to remembered that the Kerala State Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (KSCSCST) had recommended last year to the government to order an investigation by the Finance Inspection Wing (FIW) into the welfare fund sanctions at all SC, ST offices and local self-governments concerned.
Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha workers also have marched to the Corporation office to press the party’s demand.
Meanwhile, there is wide spread complaint against the deployment of the Crime Brach to enquire into the allegations against the Mayor. Even though Crime Branch was engaged three days before, not a single FIR has been registered so far. It vindicates the stand of BJP and Congress-led UDF that Crime Branch engagement is for protecting the Mayor from legal issues.
T. Satisan