Kerala High Court rejected Government of Kerala’s (GoK) petition to stay the appointment of Dr. Ciza Thomas as the acting VC of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. Single Bench Judge Justice Devan Ramachandran agreed to hear the detailed plea on Friday, November 11.
Dr. Ciza Thomas was appointed in the light of the quashing of the appointment of the VC Dr. M.S. Rajashree by SC as it was found to be the violation of the UGC parameters.
GoK had recommended Saji Gopinath to succeed Dr. Rajashree. But, Governor rejected as he was one among the eleven VCs he had show-caused after SC verdict with respect to APJ varsity. The GoK had also suggested Principal Secretary (Higher Education) Ishita Ro’s name after Governor appointed Thomas, Joint Director, Technical Education Department.
GoK argued that Governor can appoint an acting VC based only on its (GoK) recommendations. But, Chancellor’s counsel said, acting VC has been selected as per UGC parameters. He cited SC verdict and stated that Ciza Thomas was a professor at Thiruvananthapuram Engineering College for more than ten years.
Court told the GoK’s lawyer that the opinion of the UGC is vital in the case when he said that Dr Thomas was neither the VC nor Pro-VC before.
T. Satisan