In the latest case of love jihad, Tamil television actress Dhivya Sridhar, who has acted in various leading TV serials in Tamil, accused actor Naina Mohammed aka Habeeb Rehman @Arnav, a resident of Maduravayal in Chennai and a native of Pukottai, of cheating her on the pretext of marriage after taking Rs.36 lakh cash on various occasions. Sadly, she is currently pregnant.
In her complaint to police, she said Arnav approached her saying that his first wife had died and that he was looking for a bride. ”Believing his words, I met him in person, who came to my home in an expensive car and told me that his siblings are settled abroad. After hearing his side of the story, I agreed to marry him”. In a video, she said both fell into a romantic relationship since 2017.
Arnav, who is Muslim by religion, asked the actress to convert in order to get the permission of his parents. Accepting his demand, Dhivya converted from Hindu to Muslim, and the duo got married by following both Hindu-Muslim rituals. “Arnav reportedly asked her not to reveal their marriage to the public. He called her up over the phone before marriage, saying that he was in need of Rs.10 lakhs to resolve a property dispute. Again, he took Rs.26 lakhs and 13 sovereign gold jewellery from her, citing various reasons. They lived in a same house for three months after marriage.
A few days after their marriage, Arnav left his wife. Soon after borrowing money and jewellery, he stopped coming and taking phone calls. His mobile phone was found switched off for nearly a month. She found that Arnav is having an affair with another actress post-marriage.
The actress who is pregnant fell sick and got admitted to a government hospital in Chennai for treatment. The hospital management informed the incident to Thiruverkadu police station, following which the police reached the spot and questioned her. Based on her complaint, Peerkankarnai police arrested him from Poonamallee where he was hiding. During the proof, it was found he was targeting divorced women and widows with rich background. He had so far cheated three women in the similar manner. He spent the money lavishly and visiting Goa and Kerala. A city court remanded him in judicial custody.
Dhivya told the police that she is a Hindu girl from Karnataka. She said, “Arnav perfectly planned my conversion to his religion after a sincere love life. When Arnav was unemployed during the Corona period, I went to work and looked after him and gave him money to build a house. After I became pregnant, he left me and is currently having a relationship with another actress who belongs to the Muslim community. She said she was beaten up many times despite my pregnancy with bleeding injuries and used abusive words. He kicked me in my belly with his legs with an intention to kill the child in the womb”.
Arnav, who was already married to three women, targeted Dhivya, the fourth victim, after the woman placed an advertisement on a matrimonial site seeking a groom.
Arnav, through his advocate, filed a counter complaint saying Dhivya and her friend Eswar were trying to terminate the pregnancy without my consent by staging this drama. “I love her very much. I was not with her at that time while the alleged physical attack took place. I have pucca alibi to prove that. Also given medical certificate to say she is not mentally well and getting treatment for that”, he said