Mumbai: Friday evening, Lalit Shyam Teckchandani, a Hindu activist whose family had shifted to India from Pakistan after Partition to save his life, approached Chembur Police after he started receiving threats allegedly by former MVA minister Chaggan Bhujbal and his associates.
Teckchandani, a Sindhi Hindu said, he, on Friday evening, sent Chaggan Bhujbal a few videos of speech wherein the latter had made anti-Hindu remarks and statements against Goddess Saraswati. “Can Bhujbal make such statements against a Maulvi?” asks Teckchandani.
According to Teckchandani, after sending those videos to Bhujbal, he immediately started receiving threats from different numbers and even received a message to stop sending messages to Bhujbal.
Teckchandani said, any Hindu would be upset with statements made by Bhujbal and he had just sent those analytical messages to the former minister of the Uddhav Thackeray-led MVA government.
Bhujbal’s statement had created a major controversy all over the state. Hindus reacted on social media against his remarks on the Hindu gods.
Teckchandani finally, on Friday night, approached Chembur police, and he claimed that it took him six hours to finally register a police complaint. Finally, an FIR under sections 506 (2) and 34 of the IPC was registered naming Bhujbal and two others. These sections are for intimidation and common intention.