Addressing Yuva Vijay Sankalp Rally organised by the Himachal Pradesh BJP Yuva Morcha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that a stable Government at the Centre is vital for continuing the pace of development in the country. The Prime Minister was addressing the rally through video conferencing on September 24, as his helicopter could not take off from Delhi due to inclement weather.
The Prime Minister said earlier there were coalition governments at the Centre for decades which failed to deliver, creating doubts in the world about India’s ability. PM Modi said eight years ago in 2014, people voted for a strong and stable Government at the Centre which has brought stability in work culture and policies.
The Prime Minister said the voters of Himachal Pradesh have made up their minds to bring the BJP government in the power again in the hill State as their counterparts in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand had done a few months ago.
PM Modi said the bravehearts of Himachal Pradesh have played a significant role in the progress of India’s development and freedom movement. Providing maximum opportunities to the youth has always been the BJP’s top priority, he added. He said the party has given the youth the maximum representation.
PM Modi said the Government has taken many positive steps to revive tourism after the Covid pandemic. He mentioned that the Union Government has allocated Rs 14,000 crore for constructing national highways in Himachal Pradesh.