New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah today launched Doordarshan’s mega historical Hindi serial – ‘Swaraj – Bharat Ke Swatantrata Sangram Ki Samagra Gatha’ in New Delhi. This 75-episode series will present a glorious history of India’s freedom struggle and lesser-known tales about Indian history.
Speaking on this occasion, the Home Minister said the endeavour of this Swaraj series should be to make Indians feel proud of their culture, values, and ancient texts. He urged the youth to take pride in country’s ancient culture and history.
“For other countries, Swaraj may be just self-rule but in the context of Bharat, it is Swadharma, Swabhasha, Swapnil Samskriti and Swa Itihas. The Doordarshan and Akashwani represent the Bharat Bhav in a true sense. I am sure, the Swaraj serial will shed away all kinds of inferiority complex about ourselves and about our past,” Shri Amit Shah said.
“If we continue our self-rule but could not pass on our true Itihaas, could not protect our Bhasha, our culture then there is no use of Swaraj,” he added.
Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said that through this series, youth can learn about the sacrifices of freedom fighters during the freedom struggle. He added that the lesser-known stories of freedom fighters will evoke a sense of patriotism in the youth and make every Indian proud of their glorious past. He also said that during this ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, an emergence of New India is being witnessed and the entire world is acknowledging the strength of the Indian flag.
Minister of State Dr. L. Murugan was present on the occasion along with other dignitaries. CEO Prasar Bharati Shri Mayank Kumar Agrawal welcomed the guests. Several MPs and artists including Manoj Joshi who is the lead anchor in the series were also present on the occasion. The series will be broadcast in nine Indian languages along with English from 14th of August at 9 P. M. to 10 P.M. This serial will also be broadcast on All India Radio.
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