What it means to be a Hindu in India!

In every country around the world, the norm is to protect the interest of minorities. In some countries, as in many Islamist countries, the law is a joke, and the non-muslim minority is constantly and brutally oppressed.

Published by
Ankur Jhunjhunwala

One might imagine that in a country like India, which has a Hindu majority population, the life of a Hindu would be one of privilege and dominion. But they would be as far from the truth as is possible!

In every country around the world, the norm is to protect the interest of minorities. In some countries, as in many Islamist countries, the law is a joke, and the non-muslim minority is constantly and brutally oppressed. And in some countries, like in India, the minority is given more privileges and powers than the majority, so much so that it is the majority that is diminishing and oppressed. Let us see how.


The religious educational institutions of the Hindus The gurukuls have been systematically abolished. Hindu history is also missing from the mainstream education system of the country, and is obscured behind ballads sung in the praise of barbaric invaders who started the very process of destroying Hindus and Hinduism.

As a result, an average Hindu child is completely unaware of their own religious teachings and culture. And this leads to the following:

A Hindu who does not know and understand Hinduism – the ’unaware Hindu’, fails to take pride in their rich religion.

A pseudo-secular-free-speech brigade in the country proactively teaches the young and innocent Hindu minds to disregard and disrespect their own religion from an early age. An ‘unaware Hindu’ is more susceptible to such teachings.

Hindu traditions and culture are constantly subject to humiliation and ridicule through the nefarious designs of an anti-Hindu mafia. The ‘unaware Hindu’ instead of opposing the ridicule, joins in it.

Hindus are being turned into their own enemies!

Religious Conversion: Hinduism does not practise the art of conversion. But the religious conversion of Hindus is a continuous process. Intolerant religious preachers who believe that theirs’ is the only God, and that all our Gods are bogus find a soft target in the ‘unaware Hindu’. Evangelist and islamic preachers are allowed a free run, and they leave no stones unturned to convert the Hindu. The Sikh are also facing the same fate. Ever so often, a Hindu girl becomes a victim of ‘Love Jihad’, a common phenomenon that is denied by the pseudo-secularists. A Muslim man makes false promises (often uses a false Hindu name) and traps a Hindu girl in his love. The girl is converted and they get married. Then the girl is tortured (or killed) or made to live as one of the man’s many wives.

Some state governments have made converting out of Hinduism an attractive proposition by making special reservations for those who have converted to Christianity or Islam.

Money, lies, threats, force, blackmail, government policies, seduction and trapping of Hindu women, etc. are all allowed weapons for the conversion of Hindus in India.

Only an intolerant religion will proactively try to lure/ force others into its own fold – the operative word here being lure/ force. But it is the Hindu of India who is labelled as intolerant for resisting conversion and oppression.


Some minorities in India enjoy too much freedom, to the extent that civil and criminal laws of the country are not applied on them!

A namaaz can block roads (national highways even), and azaan can be blared on loudspeakers, but it can be seditious to recite Hanuman Chalisa in public! If a Hindu is provoked through the blatant public mockery of their Gods, religion and customs — they deserve it! If a provoked Hindu just even mentions a disgusting truth from the provoking minorities’ history, they may be raped, murdered, beheaded, or chopped into pieces and disposed into sewers — and this is to be expected and accepted! Movies can demean Hinduism; comedians, liberals, and pseudo-secularists can mock Hindu Gods; and they can all be proud of it. But a Hindu saying the same is considered provocative and even judges may use it as a justification for riots, death threats and even murders! The excessive freedom that some of these minorities enjoy is almost always directed against the Hindus. People who publically claimed to have participated in the genocide of the Kashmiri Hindus often enjoyed the audience and favour of top political leaders of the country!

Terms like ‘Kafir’ and ‘non-believers’ are used in a derogatory manner, and often as abuse against Hindus. This is tolerated and becomes the first step in empowering those who misuse freedom excesses.

A provoked Hindu may be murdered, beheaded or chopped into pieces and disposed of in sewers just for speaking the truth about Minorities – this is to be expected and accepted! 


India declared itself to be a “Secular Country” through the 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution brought during the emergency in 1976. Before that, India had no state religion! So what really happened in 1976 was a designed subjugation of the Hindus, in a country that was carved out from a greater nation in 1947 to be their (the Hindu’s) home.

Politics in Independent India has historically empowered the minorities by disempowering the Hindus. We can never forget when an otherwise silent Prime Minister of India infamously proclaimed that the Muslims of India had the ‘first claim’ over the nation’s resources. We can never forget the draconian ’communal violence bill’ that Congress tried to pass in the parliament to label all Hindus as guilty by virtue of their religion. We can never forget the ‘Law of Asylum’ that Congress promised to bring in its manifesto to grant citizenship to illegal Muslim immigrants. Politics and policies in India have always treated the Hindus as third-grade citizens of the country.

Under a long-term plan to prevent the growth of Hinduism, the government of India controls most of the significant temples in the country. Temple funds are used for the development of other religions, who in turn further oppress the Hindus.

A wakf board in the country has been empowered by law to claim almost any land as its own, and thereby empower their own by oppressing the majority. Illegal immigrants belonging to minority communities who often undertake jihadist and terrorist activities are given more privileges in the country than Hindus. On the other hand, any attempt to provide a safe haven to Hindu immigrants who are a minority in other countries and are badly prosecuted there is faced with violent resistance. Protests and riots have become a go-to mechanism for some minorities to hold the country at ransom and often harass the Hindus.

India had no state religion before it became ‘Secular’ in 1976! Secularism was introduced as a design for the subjugation of Hindus in there own country.

A separate civil law in the country for some minorities discounts human considerations on religious grounds. A separate yardstick for applying criminal laws to minorities is an everyday occurrence. It is little surprise therefore when the idea of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is frowned upon.

Therefore, despite their numbers, Hindus are an oppressed and diminishing people. There is no country in the world that stands up for the Hindus, not even India!




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