Foundation Day of Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas was organised in the Daulat Ram College of Delhi University auditorium. On this occasion, Shri Atul Kothari, National Secretary of the Nyas, said that Students should become self-reliant by doing activities according to their curiosity. Education should not be just for getting a degree but for skill development. If the country has to change, then education has to be changed. Still, for this the successful implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 must be done in the entire nation. Apart from this, Om Sharma said that the time has come to establish India as a world guru again with the critical role of education and educational institutions in social development and self-reliant education. On this occasion, IGNOU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nageshwar Rao, Said that the Honorable Prime Minister had started a revolution in the country by giving more than 250 Swayam Prabha TV channels to country. On this occasion, Former Vice-Chancellor of Indraprastha University, Prof. K.K Aggarwal, said that organisations like Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas had irrigated the country’s education system with the sense of self-reliance by taking it out of Macaulay’s ill-policies. The trust has understood the essence of the educational needs of the diverse society of India and has suggested revolutionary solutions from time to time to the government and academic bodies. Correct selection of words develops positivity. We can do fundamental work in teaching only in the language we dream of. Creativity is possible only in the mother tongue. The Supreme Court has also agreed that there should be issues like environmental cleanliness. Successful implementation of National Education Policy 2020 is the responsibility of all of us. The teacher should be empowered and the curriculum should be tailored to the student’s interest. On this occasion, as a special guest, Padma Shri, Chamu Krishna Shastry said that language is more important. They are teaching subjects through language. Indian languages are the languages of aspirations. The Indian language family has to be taken forward so India can be revived.
Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas is a leading organisation working in the field of education and culture. This trust was established in 2007 by social activist Dinanath Batra with the primary objective of promoting the importance of the mother tongue in education. The faith has always been in favour of Indianisation in education with a positive and practical curriculum, system and policy in education. Its main subjects are environmental education, Vedic mathematics, Indian language forum, autonomy in teaching, research projects, teacher education, management and technical education, Indian language forum, education health etc., with core subjects like character building and holistic development of personality. With the slogans of ‘Education in mother tongue’ and ‘There is no substitute for mother, motherland and only language’, the trust continues to progress in the interest of students and teachers by developing qualitative improvement in India’s education system, self-reliant India. Making many efforts. On this occasion, the Principal of Daulat Ram College, Prof. Savita Roy Said
Education Culture Upliftment Trust is doing a very good job. a large number of people from the education world are Joining the Nyas. On this occasion, Dr Pratyush Vatsala, Rajesh Singh (IAS), Delhi State Convenor of the Nyas Upasana Agarwal, National Coordinator of Environmental Education Sanjay Swamy, National Convener of Research Project Dr Rajeshwar Kumar, National Convener of Competitive Examination Devendra Kumar, Dr Vinod Kumar, Dr Inderjit Singh, Dr Sheetal, Dr Darshan Singh etc. were present.