Within 24 hours of BJP leader Kapil Mishra starting the fundraising, more than 12,000 people had given the family of Kanhaiya Lal, a Hindu tailor brutally beheaded in Udaipur, Rajasthan, a total of more than Rs 1.35 crore.
“The 2020 Delhi riots were the impetus for the concept of holding fundraisers for victims of violence from Hindu families. We came to the conclusion that neither political parties nor human rights organisations cared about the suffering of Hindu victims. So, following the riots in Delhi, we started this process. All Hindu victims’ families received financial assistance,” said BJP leader Kapil Mishra.
Soon after the News of Kanhaiya Lal’s brutal murder went viral, the founder of the Hindu Ecosystem, Kapil Mishra, uploaded a video on his Twitter, where he said, “The barbaric murder of Kanhaiya Lal Ji was committed in the name of religion. In this case, we cannot abandon their family. We have made the decision to create a financial support system for the family, and our goal is to raise Rs 1 crore. I’ll go see the family in person and give them the money. I urge everyone to make donations to this effort.”
After completing the target of Rs 1 crore, Kapil Mishra thanked all donors and said, “Jai Shri Ram. Thank you all. Rupees one crore are collected in less than 24 hours. My tears can’t stop. Hindus stand together with the family of Kanhaiya Ji. Hindu Ecosystem. We will also give ₹ 25 Lakh to Ishwar Singh Ji who is in hospital.”
Earlier also, a similar kind of help was provided to the family of a temple priest in Rajasthan’s Karauli who was burnt alive and “Rinku Sharma and Rahul Rajput from Jahangirpuri in Delhi and others were also helped.
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