Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the main tunnel and five underpasses of the Pragati Maidan Integrated Transit Corridor Project in New Delhi. This project costs more than Rs 920 crores and it is funded entirely by the central government. The Integrated Transit Corridor project is an essential part of the Pragati Maidan Redevelopment Project, according to Prime Minister’s Office.
Apart from PM Narendra Modi, Union ministers Harshdeep Singh Puri, Piyush Goyal, Som Parkash and Anupriya Patel were also present at the inauguration. The Integrated Transit Corridor project is aimed to provide smooth and hassle-free access to the new world-class exhibition and convention centre being developed at Pragati Maidan. It will help in saving time and cost of the commuters and will also make sure the hassle-free vehicular movement. The project is part of the government’s overarching vision to ease the life of people through transforming urban infrastructure.
It is fully funded by the central government and will ensure hassle-free vehicular movement and help save time and cost of commuters. The main tunnel connects Ring Road with India Gate via Purana Qila Road passing through Pragati Maidan. The six-lane divided tunnel has access to the huge basement parking of Pragati Maidan and has other multiple purposes as well. There are also the two cross tunnels constructed below the main tunnel road and it will facilitate the movement of the traffic from either side of the parking lot.
The latest global standard facilities are also equipped inside the tunnel, including smart fire management, modern ventilation and automated drainage, digitally controlled CCTV and a public announcement system which will ensure the smooth movement of traffic. It will be an alternative route to Bhairon Marg and is expected to take more than half of its traffic load. Bhairon Marg is running much beyond its carrying capacity. There will be six underpasses as well, which are four on Mathura Road, one on Bhairon Marg and one at the intersection of Ring Road and Bhairon Marg.
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