New Delhi: After sending two summons, former Congress president and lawmaker from Kerala, Rahul Gandhi, came to the Enforcement Directorate office on Monday (June 13). Earlier, he was asked to make himself available for questioning in the National Herald case on June 8.
His mother and Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi, too, has been summoned in the ‘National Herald case’ later this month for questioning.
The crux of the case lies in the fact that Rahul Gandhi is a director of a company called Young Indian, and the said company, with a capital of Rs 50 lakhs, could acquire all shareholding of AJL worth Rs 5,000 crore.
The Enforcement Directorate, in 2020, attached one of the prime properties in Mumbai’s Bandra location under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
The market value of the property is stated to be to the tune of hundreds of crores of rupees and allegedly allotted to Associated Journals Limited (AJL) illegally.
It had done so in May 2019 with a property in Gurugram worth Rs 65 crores in the same ‘National Herald case’.
For records, it has to be noted that Rahul Gandhi was appointed director of Young Indian, the company that got all the benefits in a clear one-sided deal, on December 13, 2010, while his mother, Sonia Gandhi joined
the board of directors on January 22, 2011.
The Supreme Court has in the past upheld the Income Tax Department’s decision to re-open the tax assessment of concerned players for the financial year 2011-2012 in connection with the case.
The ED, in December 2018, attached property worth Rs 30 crore in Mohali.
Congress leaders and workers staged protests in various places in the capital. Delhi police detained some leaders, including former MPs.