A picture from the Friday Namaz violence in Telangana has gone viral on social media, which shows Islamic mob carrying Indian National flags in which the revered Ashok Chakra has been replaced with the Islamic Shahada ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ meaning “there is no other God but Allah”.
Today after Friday prayer nation saw a violent stone-pelting by Islamists, which also claimed several lives.
The state of UP was riddled with protests across Lucknow, Prayagraj, Deoband and Moradabad over the same issue. In UP’s Saharanpur, Namazis tried to march towards the Ghantaghar after Friday prayers in the Nawabganj area. To contain the situation, cops resorted to baton-charge to disperse the crowd. The situation was tense but it got controlled at the moment.
According to the latest reports, a total of 109 rioters were arrested by the Uttar Pradesh police from six districts, namely Saharanpur, Prayagraj, Hathras, Ambedkarnagar, Moradabad and Firozabad.
This is not the first time when Indian Flag was disrespected in Telangana, earlier also during anti CAA protest, Ashok Chakra from the Indian flag was replaced with ‘Kalma’.