A Muslim man named Naseer attacked a group of Hindu women while they were performing traditional Vat Savitri Puja rituals in Jashpurnagar, Chhattisgarh. The Muslim man allegedly poured his pee into a plastic bag and threw it at women who had assembled to observe Vat Savitri Puja ceremonies near the Rani Bagicha district of the city.
After the incident on Monday, the group of women who were attacked with urine by Naseer had left the Puja and gone home. They arrived at the local police station later that evening to file a complaint against Naseer.
According to local media reports, a huge number of Hindu women gathered on the streets to protest against this heinous act of sexual harassment and hate crime. On Wednesday, a bandh was held in Jashpurnagar over the assault because, despite complaints, the accused Muslim guy had not been arrested by local police.
After the protest, Chhattisgarh police arrested the accused Naseer and sent him to jail. Raigarh MP Gomati Rai had joined the protests and had submitted a letter to District Magistrate requesting swift action and steps to prevent such incidents of religious hate crime and harassment.