Politics of development has replaced politics of identity and corruption in Haryana: Manohar Lal Khattar

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Organiser Bureau

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar reveals the secret behind Haryana emerging as the sports hub of Bharat


In the third session of the Media Manthan, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar was asked a question related to curbing corruption. The question was that once a Prime Minister had said, “I send one rupee, which remains 15 paise by the time it reaches people.” How did you break this corrupt system? On this, CM Khattar said that first of all he would like to praise him for accepting the truth. “Even before the BJP Government came to power at the Centre and in the states, we had promised a corruption-free and transparent Government in the manifesto and we have been successful in that too. New technology and digitisation have helped a lot in this. The second question was related to his love for technology. In this, he was asked that how he is so techno-friendly, and how he mastered Japanese? To this he said,” It has been my hobby to learn new things from the beginning. I want to learn many things, even from my opponent, I do not hold back. I can speak Tamil and Japanese also. For this, I had also hired a ‘tutor’. It also helps in work.”

The Chief Minister was asked how he managed to change the identity of Haryana with caste politics and corruption. He said, “We have received sanskars from Dr Hedgewar University, so it helped a lot in changing the identity (of Haryana. Yes, it is true that in politics people resort to caste for their selfishness, but we gave the slogan, ‘Ek Haryana, Haryanvi Ek‘.”

Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar in a conversation with Bharat Prakashan (Delhi) Ltd Managing Director Shri Bharat Bhushan Arora at the event

Further, he was asked whether to upgrade a section and to weaken or leave the rest behind, has also been a part of politics. How you deal with it? On this, he said that today such a large section of youth is a part of our society, which considers caste as a hindrance to development. Awareness among people has also increased. In the last eight years, leaders doing caste-based politics have been left behind. The caste issue is now going backwards. Our aim is to make people happy. The next question was related to sports. He was asked that earlier there was a saying that “kheloge khudoge toh hoge kharab padhoge likhoge to hoge nawab”. You have turned this proverb upside down. To this he said that there are many aspects to it. Today, one who reads and writes will also become a Nawab and one who plays sports (padhoge likhoge to hoge nawab, kheloge khudoge to bhi hoge nawab). He said both boys and girls are excelling in sports. “Haryana tops not only in the country but also in the world in giving maximum cash prize to the gold medalist in Olympics. We give Rs 6 crore to a player who brings gold, while Rs.2.5 or 3 crore to the person who brings silver or bronze. give. Along with this, on the basis of performance, we also give jobs from ‘Class One’ to ‘Group D’, the fourth-place person also get a cash prize of Rs 50 lakh.”

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Along with this, 10 per cent reservation has been kept in the jobs for the players. “This is the reason that in the field of sports, Haryanvi youth is making us proud not only in India but across the globe,” he said.

How to bring change in the field of education? In response, Khattar said today in the age of technology, online education had become the need of the hour during the Corona period, not every child had enough facilities to study online. In such a situation, we have allocated Rs 650 crore for distributing tablets among the students of class 12th, 11th and 10th so that their education does not hampered. Along with this, 33,000 tablets were also distributed among the teachers.

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