Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 89th episode of his monthly radio program Mann Ki Baat. ‘Mann Ki Baat’ is a radio programme. The prime minister said that the country has achieved such an achievement a few days ago, which inspires all of us and instils a new confidence in India’s potential.
During his address, PM Modi mentioned about the Animated Ramayana series.
Friends, a few days ago I went to Japan. In between my many shows, I got the chance to meet some outstanding personalities. I want to discuss him with you in ‘Mann Ki Baat’. The people are from Japan, but they have an amazing attachment and love for India. One of these is Hiroshi Koike, who is a well-known Art Director. You will be pleased to know that he has directed the Mahabharat Project – PM Modi
Besides Hiroshi Koike, I also met Atsushi Matsuo-ji and Kenji Yoshi-ji during my visit to Japan. Both of them are associated with TEM Production Company. This company is related to the Japanese Animation Film Ramayana, released in 1993. Indian Animators also helped them a lot; they were guided about the Indian customs and traditions shown in the film. They were told how people in India wear dhoti, how we wear saree, How children respect each other inside the family, and what is the importance of touching feet. After 30 years, this animation film is being re-mastered again in 4K. This project is likely to be completed soon, said PM Modi