Chandra Grahan or lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth aligns itself between the sun and the moon and casts a shadow across the lunar surface. As per the European Space Agency (ESA), a lunar eclipse only happens during a full moon, as per the European Space Agency (ESA). Furthermore, there are three types of lunar eclipses depending on the position of the sun, Earth, and moon: total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse, and penumbral lunar eclipse.
The first lunar eclipse of 2022 will be observed from various parts of the world on May 15 and 16. However, the eclipse will not be visible in India. As per IST, the eclipse will take place at 7:02 am IST on May 16 morning and end at 12:20 in the afternoon.
In Hinduism, it is believed that a Chandra Grahan occurs when Rahu and Ketu attempt to grasp the moon on a full moon night. Because of this, no auspicious activities are performed during the period, which results in people following various beliefs and customs.
Since ancient times, eclipses, both solar and lunar, are bad for pregnant women, and special care should be taken during the duration of the eclipse for the well-being of the baby and the mother. As per astrological beliefs, it is said that one should not consume any food cooked before the eclipse.
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