The Gujarat administration on Tuesday (May 10) bulldozed the house of a don following his arrest based on a complaint filed by a VHP worker. Last week, the local police arrested the don, identified as Shiraz Husain alias Shera, for issuing death threats to Mahendra Bhai Mali, a VHP worker.
The police arrested Shiraz on a complaint filed by Mali over the threat. He said that the accused threatened to kill him if he failed to remove the loudspeakers placed at the Hanuman temple nearby. The demolished building was illegally constructed in the Botad district in the Saurashtra region.
According to reports, there have been 34 FIRs pending against Shiraz.
According to Karn Raj, DSP Botad district, the police decided to take action after finding him a habitual offender.
“We took out his history sheet and found that Siraj don had encroached upon 4500 square meters of public land.
He had built a farmhouse and a home on it. Today, in the presence of executive magistrate and with proper police arrangements, the administration brought down the illegal structure using a bulldozer,” the DSP said. He further warned other gangsters and history sheeters that the police would take similarly strict action against them.
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