Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said the missile was launched accidentally during the inspection and said standard operating procedures of operations, maintenance and inspections are also being reviewed following the incident.
New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday told Parliament that the exact cause of the 'missile incident' can be known only after a probe. He also said the Government of India gives the "highest priority to safety and security" of the Indian weapon system.
"If any shortcoming is found ….it will be immediately rectified," he said in Rajya Sabha.
"I would like to tell this House about an incident that occurred on March 9, 2022. It's related to an accidental missile release during the inspection. During routine maintenance and inspection of the missile unit, around 7 pm, one missile got accidentally released. The exact cause of the incident can be known only through a probe," he said.
"I would also like to say that in the context of this incident, standard operating procedures of operations, maintenance and inspections are also being reviewed," Rajnath Singh said.
"We give highest priority to safety and security of our weapon system. If any shortcoming is found, it will be rectified immediately," he said.
"I would like to assure the House that our missile system is highly reliable and safe. Our safety procedure and protocols are high level," the Defence Minister maintained.
The Government of India had said last week that it 'accidentally fired a missile' that landed in Pakistan and that the "deeply regrettable" incident was caused by a technical malfunction during routine maintenance.
The United States had endorsed Indian views on the matter. "We have no indication as you also heard from our Indian partners that this incident was anything other than an accident," State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters.
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