Earlier, the Haryana government on Friday declared that "The Kashmir Files" movie will be tax-free in the state and directed cinemas and multiplexes not to charge state GST on the screening of the movie
Gandhinagar: The Gujarat government has declared 'The Kashmir Files' movie tax-free in the state on Sunday.
The announcement was made by Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel.
The Gujarat CMO tweeted in Gujarati, "Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has decided to give tax exemption to the film 'The Kashmir Files' in the state."
Earlier, the Haryana government on Friday declared that "The Kashmir Files" movie will be tax-free in the state and directed cinemas and multiplexes not to charge state GST on the screening of the movie.
The film revolves around the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990. (ANI)
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