Today in Bharat, while on the one hand, the age-old cultural values, traditions, and the sense of identity, unity and integrity of the country are awakening, and, Hindu Shakti is standing up with self-respect, on the other hand, the inimical forces which do not tolerate this are also conspiring to create a vicious environment in the society. The challenge of increasing divisive elements in the country is also alarming. Efforts are also afoot to weaken the society by rising various fissiparous tendencies in the Hindu society itself. As the census year approaches, there are instances of inciting a group by propagating that “they are not Hindus”.
In the context of Hindutva, there are conspiracies to make unwarranted allegations by spreading various types of falsehoods. Malicious agenda is at work to present all these in the country and abroad under intellectual garb.
In this background, it is necessary to create effective and strong ideological discourse based on truth and facts about Nationality, Hindutva, its history, social philosophy, cultural values and tradition etc.
At the same time, emphasis will also have to be laid on the manifestation of conduct and behavior relevant to current times, based on Bharatiya values of life in personal, family and social lives, and it is desirable that this endeavour becomes widespread specially among the younger generation. Likeminded persons and forces who agree with this, should also be included in this effort.
Source: Annual Report by Sarkaryavah Shri Dattatreya Hosabale presented at the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha 2022