Mainpuri (Uttar Pradesh) [India], February 18: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Friday, said a grand Ram temple will be ready in Ayodhya by 2023. He made the statement during a rally in the Karhal Assembly seat where the former UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav is facing the Union Minister of state S P S Baghel.
The UP Chief Minister also stated that the Ram temple would be a 'Rashtra Mandir' of India. Karhal is in the Mainpuri district of UP.
The BJP's UP campaign had begun with the unveiling of the redevelopment works of the Kashi Vishwanath temple in Varanasi, and the party is pitching the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya in the ongoing polls as one of its major achievements.
The Chief Minister, during the rally, further said, "The double engine governments at the Centre and the state is giving double doses of ration to the people, and hence the votes will also go to the BJP only."
The Chief Minister also asserted that the BJP government had waived off a debt of over 86 lakh farmers in the state when the party came into power in 2017 and gave farmers the facility of tube wells and an uninterrupted power supply.
The seven phased Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections commenced on February 10. Polling for the first two phases of the elections has been held. The third phase of polling will take place on February 20. The counting of votes will take place on March 10. (ANI)
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