On Sunday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin asked young Tamil men and women to name their children by choosing names from the Tamil language. He was presiding over the marriage of the daughter of a party leader, Poochi S Murugan.
The DMK leader said it was his wish that Tamil couples should pick Tamil names for their children.
Wishing the couple in a tweet, Stalin urged the young population to choose names for their babies from the Tamil language.
However, it is ironic that he was named after a Communist leader who was responsible for the death of 30 million people in the erstwhile Soviet Union in the 1930s and 1940s.
CM Stalin said that his father was supposed to name him ‘Ayyadurai’, a combination of ‘Periyar EV Ramasamy Naicker and DMK founder Annadurai. But he was named ‘Stalin’ after his father received the news of Russian Communist leader Joseph Stalin’s death. However, it must be noted that Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953, while MK Stalin was born on March 1, 1953.
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