Calendar of IIT Kharagpur: Leftists Stoking Old Myth

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Pranay Kumar
The calendar for 2022 prepared by IIT, Kharagpur, which proves that Aryans were natives of India, should be used as a guiding source for future research. By opposing it, the Leftist are forgetting that keeping knowledge and science tied to the peg of ideology can never be accepted in today's scientific era


Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur has released a calendar for 2022 titled “Recovery of the Foundation of Indian Knowledge System”, in which the myths about the Aryan invasion have been debunked on the basis of irrefutable arguments and authentic facts. In this calendar, quoting all the references and evidences from the Vedas, Puranas and epics, it has been proved through pictures, shlokas and quotes that Aryans were not outsiders but natives of India. In support of this, references have also been made to the sayings and scientific illustrations of Swami Vivekananda, Maharishi Arvind and other sages. 

However, all the Leftist organisations and educationists have started protesting against this. They also want to make educational and research findings irrelevant by calling them propaganda of Hindutva. It is unfortunate that despite the findings of all new research and archeological research, they are not ready to accept the fact that Aryan is not a race word, but a word of quality and superiority. Ramayana and Mahabharata are replete with examples of Indian women addressing their husbands as Aryaputra or Arya Shrestha. The mention of Aryans and Dasyus is also based on human qualities or nature-instinct. Aryans were the original inhabitants of this place; that is why India is also called Aryavarta. Dravid is also not a sign of race but a sign of place. Manu has used Dravida for the people who lived in the Dravidian country. In the Mahabharata, the description of the Dravidian country comes at the time of Sahadeva's victory before the Rajasuya Yagya. The inhabitants of the whole sea coast of Coromandel situated in the southern forested part between the Krishna and the Polar rivers, with its capital Kanchi, that is Kanjeevaram (42 miles south-west of Chennai) were also called Dravidians, just as all the people of Punjab, Bengal, Bihar are called Punjabi, Bengali and Bihari.

Just like Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat etc., the word 'Dravid' in the national anthem of India indicates place and not caste. Before the arrival of the British, there is not a single instance, source, literature, text, narrative, which mentions the Aryan-Dravidian conflict. Is it possible that none of the victors-conquerors' books, folk-tales or collective memories have a mere mention of such an important and decisive battle? If the Aryans are alleged outsiders or invaders, then is it logical and natural for cultural consciousness, ancient memories and any texts related to them to not have a glimpse of their place of origin, tradition-belief, etc.? Is there no reverence for the original places or even expressions of gratitude? Whether it is Greek or the Islamic foreign invaders, their names are recorded in history. Why can no Leftist historian tell till date about the leader of the Aryans if they were invaders? Is it possible that the loser can literally and in its entirety assimilate the language and culture of the conquerors? Has Sanskrit not been the language of knowledge, science and literature of the whole of India, in spite of the independent and auxiliary currents of folk languages? Are Kanva, Agastya, Shankaracharya, Madhvacharya, Ramanujacharya, Vallabhacharya, etc. who are Rishis of the South not one of the most recognised masters and philosophers of Vedic culture? Are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh as the creator, sustainer and the destroyer, Shri Ram-Sri Krishna as the incarnations, Goddesses like Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati and Durga as the basic forces of life or Indra, Varuna, Pawan, Agni, Surya and Ganesh like Kartikeya, is there no feeling of equal faith and reverence in the whole of India towards these deities?

Aryan-Dravidian Rift A British Invention 

The truth is that the whole concept of Aryan-Dravidian struggle was developed by the Britishers to fulfill the underlying objectives. They established such a principle of divide and rule that apart from their familiar policy, they wanted to blunt the edge of nationwide protest against British hegemony. By crushing the self-respect of Indians, they were trying to prove that there is no native society of this country, convoys have kept coming and caravans settled here. They tried to rule out the objectionable and unusualness of British rule over India. They depicted that it was their so-called moral duty inspired by Christianity, to civilise the rude, bring forward the backward! Leftists and people suffering from colonial mentality took it hand-in-hand, because as soon as this one principle was established, the ancient, traditional and historical relationship of Sanatan Samaj connected with the Indian land from the rich knowledge-tradition of ancient and great India. Rights, honour and pride are destroyed. As soon as it is established, the whole discussion of external versus native, foreign versus indigenous, invader versus conquered, oppressor versus victim, external versus personal weakens. Unfortunately, after Independence, after getting enough protection and encouragement from the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the intellectuals of the Left and colonial-mindset propagated it more vigorously in order to fight for their values, life-values and life-ideals. The original society of this dying country can never stand with chest tight, head held high in future also. They tried to divide the original and majority society of India into Aryan-Dravidian, while on the one hand trying to weaken them on the level of socio-cultural unity and on the other, they also tried to reject the natural claim of the guide of civilisation and the world leader. The efforts continued. In fact, the Leftist poison can grow only on the alien-colonial-fractured thought-land, so they always supported those principles, which hinder the way of cultural unity and integrity of India.

  • It is noteworthy that the findings of recent excavations and intensive research conducted by archeologists in Sinauli (Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh) and Rakhigarhi (Haryana) are also the same that Aryans did not come from outside. Many relics of similarity in Indus-Harappan and Vedic civilisation have been found in excavations from these sites. The Namaskar posture at Rakhigarhi and the chariot with saw-wheels, a chariot decorated with copper figurines from 2000 to 1800 BCE found at Sinauli justify the mention of chariots described in the Vedas and the epics. On the basis of all the tests of genetic chromosomes (DNA) done on different occasions, it has also been proved that all the Indians are the children of the same ancestor. Under the direction of Professor Dr Kiwischild of Cambridge University, about 13,000 samples were tested, in which it was found that the DNA chromosomes of all the castes and religions living in the Indian subcontinent are the same. Archeological excavations of Rakhigarhi found four and a half thousand years’ old skeletons, after which DNA was examined by Professor Vasant Shinde of Deccan College of Archeology and DNA scientist Dr. Neeraj Rai, who claimed that the people of the Indian subcontinent were the ones who developed the Harappan civilisation. He says that no traces of conflict have been found between Aryan and Dravidian civilisation. The Aryans belonged to the Indian subcontinent and the Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Indus civilisations are the extensions of the Vedic civilisation. These are all one. The condition of agriculture in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro was also in an advanced stage. People from the Indian subcontinent went to Iran and Central Asia for trade and farming.

It is unfortunate that despite the findings of all new research and archeological research, they are not ready to accept the fact that Aryan is not a race word, but a word of quality and superiority. Ramayana and Mahabharata are replete with examples of Indian women addressing their husbands as Aryaputra or Arya Shrestha. The mention of Aryans and Dasyus is also based on human qualities or nature-instinct

And now the calendar of 2022 released by IIT, Kharagpur has information about the history of India and it is giving new information every month through pictures. The picture of Mount Kailash in January shows that its glacier has been the original source of many important rivers, on the banks of which many civilisations flourished. The Indus Valley, pre-Harappan and post-Harappan civilisations flourished and developed here. The Brahmaputra river also originated from this glacier. The Rigveda also mentions several tributaries of the Indus, whose sources are the Shivalik hills. Beas, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej are tributaries of Indus. Civilisation also flourished on the banks of the Ganges, Gomti, Ghaghara rivers from the Indus and towards the East. Gomti is also mentioned in the eighth mandala of Rigveda. Naimisharanya, popularly known as the abode of the sages and mentioned in the Upanishads, was situated on the banks of this river. The study and research of IIT, Kharagpur indicates how British historians made mistakes in understanding the Eastern and Western ends of ancient Indian civilisation and deliberately or unknowingly gave false or misleading conclusions about the Aryan invasion.

Indian Cosmology Rejects Aryan Invasion Theory

The cycle of time and rebirth is explained through the holy Swastika symbol on the page of the month of February in the calendar. The pattern of the Swastika is non-linear and cyclic. Whereas the West believes that "time moves in a linear motion" and Indian mythology says that "time moves in a cyclical motion, in every rise there is a downfall and in every fall there is the potential for upliftment". At the core of Vedic knowledge, the emphasis is on finding out time, space and causality. Action theory is based on the principle of interdependence, which is based on the action-reaction 'flow and value' of any event, which results in reincarnation, which is called Transmigration and Metempsychosis at the cosmic level of the soul from one body to another, which has been named 'Jamantarvaad'. For the Western world, the subtle discussion of the relationship between Indian spirituality, Jiva-Jagat-Brahm, Atma-Parmatma, etc. is a difficult, mysterious and unknown thing. These things are unknown even to the West Asian world. Therefore, Indian cosmology rejects the theory of Aryan invasion.

Space-time and causality are explained in the calendar for the month of March. It has been said that the seals found in the remains of the Indus Valley Civilisation are similar to the theory 'योग-क्षेम  propounded by the Aryan sages. In Rigveda (10.167.1), there is a mention of 'ह्ययोगेभि कर्मभि:’ Karma' and then in 7.36 ‘‘ह्ययोगेभि कर्मभि:. Yoga is explained in more detail in 5.81.1. It is also told how Yogis control their mind and intellect. The reality of cosmology has been realized through 'being and happening (धार्यते इति धर्म:). Contemplation, meditation and rising above all kinds of worldly things and duality is called Yoga Samadhi. Yogis are the ones who get it. Yoga is considered the main goal of all Vedic rituals. It is called Kshem or Tantra, where the yogi attains supreme knowledge and becomes a great yogi. The Saptarishis have attained it. If the Aryans were invaders from Europe and Eurasia, how would they have known these things? On the basis of these descriptions also the Aryan invasion theory proves to be wrong.

It has been told in the month of April that the Vedic theory of 'non-linear motion of time' and 'cycle of change' also dates back to the Indus Valley Civilisation. The Rigveda and the entire Yajurveda define 'action-cycle' and 'time-flow' as cyclic change. Keeping this change in mind, the Vedic sages gave the system of 'Shadritu-Chakra'. They specifically defined autumn and rainy season in addition to the 4 seasons. It is a climate and culture specific or Indian ecosystem. The theory of life in the Vedas has also been linked to 'a horn', which is also found in Buddhism and the seal of a one-horned animal found in the Indus Valley also indicates this. If the Aryans had come from outside, they would not have been sure of these things. This suggests that the Arya-Dravidian theory is wrong.


Through a quote from Swami Vivekananda on the page of May, the question has been asked in his own words, "If the Aryans came from outside, why was it not written in any hymn of the Vedas?" He said that "the whole thinking of India is done keeping the backward and the weak at the center, while the West makes rules and systems keeping the winner in mind." 

Talking about 'The Matrix' in the calendar of May, it has been described as the mother of cosmic activities. The same thing is reflected in the artifacts of the Indus Valley. Sukta 1.164.46 of Rigveda advances the principle of unity in diversity. The principle of death in the form of 'Yama' was also propounded.

Devi Sukta (10.145) and Ratri Suktam (10.127) carry forward the theory of Shukla-Krishna regarding the creation and destruction of Cosmos. From time immemorial, the Aryan sages saw divine power as unconditional love. The description of the reflections in the Vedas as 'Aditya' and 'Ila, Saraswati and Bharati' was also given at that time. The principle of 'Bharat Mata' of Acharya Avanindranath Tagore carries forward this ancient order, whereas in the West the countries have been seen as patriarchal, so if the Aryans had come from outside, their thinking would have been the same.

A comparison is made between the one-horned horse found in the Vedic literature in the month of June and the one-horned animal in Harappa. Rishyashringa is mentioned in the Ramayana, who was born from the horn of a deer. The Indus Valley Civilisation also talks of a one-horned animal, which is considered to be a symbol of power, and its horn as the sword of God. The doctrine of the unicorn was also in Christian and Chinese belief. It spread from India to other places and did not come here from outside. The calendar for July describes how Western studies tried to describe Shiva as a non-Aryan deity, while the Vedas mention him.

The Ashwinis, symbolising the principle of 'Oscillation', have been discussed in the calendar for the month of August. It was written about them that they give honey, so that even death does not pass by. Similarly, in Asia Pacific and ancient Greece, the theory of two deities living together came to the fore. Modern science also talks about this 'Duality'. The human brain also has two parts: 'Analytical' and 'Intuitive'. It has been said in the calendar for the month of September that Maharishi Arvind had also completely rejected the Aryan-invasion theory. It is mentioned in the calendar for the month of October that the Portuguese and British invaders were surprised to find many similar words in the Indian and European languages. Therefore, they decided to develop an Indo-European language system and put forward the theory of Aryan invasion before Buddha. They wrote that India was attacked for the second time in the 17th century by a 'higher power'. They wanted to provide a rational basis for the invasions and occupation of India by the imperialist powers. English scholar Thomas Stephens also wrote a letter to his brother from Goa in 1583 about the similarity in Indian, Greek and Latin languages. The fact of October itself also comes to the fore that the Western scholar and philosopher by hook or crook wanted to prove that the flow of knowledge-science and culture was from West to East. In this calendar, it is mentioned in the description of the months of November and December that Max Müller was the father of the 'Aryan-Dravidian conflict' theory, which was later carried forward by Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain. And later, Nazism grew out of this mythical concept and under the leadership of Hitler, the business of hatred and genocide was carried forward in the name of the alleged purity of races. Defining the 'Aryan-non-Aryan' myth, Europe launched such an arrogant and aggressive campaign of so-called 'power and superiority' of the Aryans and 'purity of race', 'differentiation from others' due to which between 1915 and 1945, the world bore the brunt of two World Wars. The world's humanity was bled and the blood of crores of innocent people was shed.

In conclusion, this calendar completely rejects the mythological principles of Aryan-non-Aryan. It also throws new light on the antiquity and historicity of India. It demolishes the fabricated beliefs and misconceptions established by the colonialists. This calendar proves that the Vedic culture is not only older than 2000 BC, but much earlier than that. It has been said in this calendar that even before Kautilya, India has talked about economy, community planning, agricultural production, mining and metals, animal husbandry, medicine, forestry etc. The picture, evidence and references from January to December in the calendar for the year 2022 prepared by IIT, Kharagpur should be welcomed. It should be used as a guiding source for future detailed and comprehensive research. By opposing it, innovative thinking, original research and multilateral discourse should be hindered. The Leftist’s colonial mentality and dogma of keeping the guard on knowledge-science or keeping it tied to the peg of ideology can never be accepted in today's logical and scientific era. 


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