New Delhi: Border Security Force's women contingent 'Seema Bhawani' is set to showcase its stunts on Rajpath on Republic Day parade.
More than 100 female troops of different ranks, including an Inspector, two Sub-Inspectors and the remaining Constables of the BSF are going through over eight hours of training to perfect their skills to perform their best on R- Day.
This is the second time when the Seema Bhawani team will showcase its stunts at Rajpath during the R-Day parade. The 'Seema Bhawani' team was formed in 2016 and it participated in the R-Day parade first time in 2018.
BSF Captain Himanshu said, "We will try and showcase the talents of BSF. There are some events which we will like to only show on the R-Day and not disclose at the moment."
Republic Day is celebrated in India every year on 26 January to commemorate the day the Constitution of the nation came into effect. (ANI)
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