Praising the CM Biplab Kumar Dev led government, PM Modi said, Tripura would become the trade hub of North East with the upcoming cargo terminal in Agartala airport and waterways connectivity with Bangladesh.
Agartala: Without naming any party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (January 4) sharply criticised the previous left governments of Tripura for their misrule and corruption. Addressing a huge gathering in Agartala, PM Modi said, "Earlier, the vehicle of corruption was much faster than the vehicle of development in Tripura. The earlier governments didn't have a vision and intention for the development of the state, and the people of the state had to bear the bad effects of it".
PM Modi mentioned that poverty and non-development were attached to the fate of Tripura by the previous governments, and people had experienced it for decades.
"We promised 'HIRA' to the people of Tripura to change the pace of development. HIRA, which stands for Highway, Internet Way, Railways and Airways, is now changing the state's development speed, said PM Modi. Greeting the gathering for the new year in Bengali, PM Modi said that 21 century India would march forward with "Sabka Saath, Sabka Bikash and Sabka Prayas".
"Few states remain underdeveloped, and people of those states don't get the basic facilities. This type of unequal development is not appropriate for the nation's development," PM Modi added. He further said that there is no comparison of double engine government, and Tripura has proved that the double engine government delivers equal development. Praising the CM Biplab Kumar Dev led government, PM Modi said that with so much development initiative by the progressive government, Tripura would become the trade hub of North East with the upcoming cargo terminal in Agartala airport and waterways connectivity with Bangladesh.