The accused said the idol-worshippers have no place here. The Bharatiya Janata Party's Manjinder Singh Sirsa condemned the attack and appealed to Pakistan PM Imran Khan Niazi to safeguard minorities.
A Hindu temple in the Ranchore Line area of Karachi, Pakistan, was vandalised on Monday (December 20) evening. The idols in the temple were also desecrated. A man entered the temple with a hammer and desecrated the idols.
The Bharatiya Janata Party's Manjinder Singh Sirsa condemned the attack. "Another Hindu temple desecrated in Ranchore line, Karachi, Pakistan. Attackers justified vandalism saying 'Temple is unworthy of being a place of worship'. This is state-backed terror against minorities of Pakistan," Sirsa said.
He added, "Minorities in Pakistan are distressed with such continued attack on their faith while the Pakistan government chooses to stay mute over such harassment."
Multiple reports have described how Pakistan has become unsafe for religious minorities. They barely have any religious rights.
"Religious minorities remained unable to enjoy the freedom of religion or belief guaranteed to them under the constitution. For the Ahmadiya community in Punjab, this included the desecration of several sites of worship. Both the Hindu and Christian communities in Sindh and Punjab continued to report cases of forced conversion. In Punjab, girls as young as 14 were forcibly converted and coerced into marriage", an Observer Research Foundation (ORF) report published in May 2020 noted.
As reported by the Organiser in August this year, an 8-year-old Hindu boy in the Rahim Yar Khan district of Pakistan's Punjab was charged with blasphemy for urinating in a madrasa library.
According to a report published by The Organization for World Peace on September 26 this year, "Blasphemy laws have a long history in Pakistan all the way back, from form the British Colonial rule. According to section 295-C of the blasphemy penal code, the code charges anyone who makes derogatory terms against the prophet's name or Quran. Most religious minority groups are continuously accused of blasphemy without any proof and face mob violence."
The Maulanas preach that, as per Quran, idol worshippers have no right to live in society. Multiple madrasas preach it to lakhs of children. Recently, a video of Lal Masjid madrasa went viral where the teacher was teaching students how to behead people. In the recent Sialkot lynching, the murderous mob was shouting the slogan "gustakh-e-nabi ki ek hi saza, sir tan se juda sir tan se juda".
As reported by the Organiser, the Siddhivinayak temple in Bhong city of Rahim Yar Khan District of Pakistan's Punjab was vandalised by a Muslim mob on August 4. The mob had desecrated the idols in the temple and then set the temple on fire. The video of the attack had gone viral on different social media platforms.
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