The Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (UP ATS) busted a racket involved in illegal trafficking of Bangladeshis in India. The police arrested 10, including the mastermind. Mahfuzur Rehman, a Bangladeshi national and mastermind of the racket, was living on a fake ID in a madrasa in West Bengal. The UP ATS arrested him on Monday (December 13).
The Bangladeshi nationals were identified as Asidul Islam, Hussain Mohammad, Alamein Ahmed, Jaibul Islam, Jameel Ahmed, Rajeev Hussain, Shekhawat Khan and Aladdin Tariq. They told the UP ATS that Rehman had taken one lakh rupees from each of the arrested Bangladeshi nationals for ensuring their entry in India and arranging fake identity documents in Hindu names for them.
The arrangement for the stay of Bangladeshi nationals was made in a madrasa in West Bengal. “The investigation into the case began after intelligence sources revealed that the gang involved in human trafficking is making fake Indian documents. Working on the Intel inputs, the ATS officials tracked down eight Bangladeshi nationals who entered into the country illegally and arrested them”, the UP ATS said.
It added “Acting on the information provided by the Bangladeshi nationals, the ATS arrested Mahfazur Rehman, 34, from a Madrasa in 24 Pargana Kolkata on Monday. Rehman is also a Bangladeshi national who was found to be living on fake ID. He is being brought to Lucknow on transit remand.”
Based on the interrogation of the nine illegal Bangladeshis, the UP ATS arrested one Mohammad Kayum Sikdar, a Bangladeshi national who was living under the pseudonym Khokhan Sardar, from south Delhi on Tuesday (December 14). All the arrested Bangladeshis had arranged fake identity documents in Hindu names. They had obtained passports also which was to be used to send them to Dubai for work.
“Investigation is being done to identify other people linked to the racket. Further arrests will be based on the investigation into the matter”, the UP ATS said.
As reported by the Organiser in August this year, the Uttar Pradesh ATS, based on the interrogation of arrested Bangladeshi national Muhammed Noor, had been raiding multiple hideouts of Rohingyas all over the state.
His interrogation revealed to the police that hundreds of Rohingyas had crossed over illegally in the country and are working in butcher houses in the state. The interrogation also revealed how this gang had smuggled in many women too.
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