In Madhya Pradesh, a school would be named after 'Amar Shaheed Jitendra Kumar and also a statue will be installed. Bodies of various brave hearts of the copter crash are being reached out to respective home towns.
New Delhi: Days after the killer copter crash claimed lives of CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and other soldiers and officers and Mrs Madhulika Rawat, the mortal remains of some brave-hearts are being reached out to their respective home towns in various parts of the country.
In Delhi, the daughter of Lt Colonel Harjinder Singh performed last rites on Sunday at Brar Square. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also paid respect to the brave officer. He consoled the family members of Lt Colonel Harjinder Singh during his last rites.
Among others who lost his life in the military chopper crash on December 8, the mortal remains of Havaldar Satpal Rai also reached his native place, Takdah in West Bengal.
"I am grateful to the government for support. I spoke to my brother Satpal for the last time while he was to take the flight in the helicopter," said Bikal Rai.
Reports said Sontu Rai, mother of brave heart Satpal Rai wailed inconsolably.
Military personnel also paid homage to the soldier at 158 Base Hospital in Bagdogra.
The last rites of Lance Naik B Sai Teja were performed with military honour in his hometown, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, on Sunday.
In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said a school would be named after 'Amar Shaheed Jitendra Kumar, and also a statue will be installed.
"We are proud that Naik Jitendra Kumar was born in Madhya Pradesh. He was a very brave soldier. His family is my family now. We will give Rs.1 crore to his family and his daughter Sunita will get a job," the Chief Minister said in Sehore. Chouhan consoled the bereaved family.
In Agra, the young son of Wing Commander Prithvi Singh put on his martyr father's Indian Air Force cap during the last rites. The deceased's wife also put the cap on a pensive looking daughter's head.
Besides CDS Bipin Rawat, others who expired in December 8 crash are – Mrs Madhulika Rawat,
Brig LS Lidder
Lt Col H Singh
Wg Cdr PS Chauhan
Sqn Ldr K Singh
JWO Pradeep A
Hav Satpal
Nk Gursewak Singh
Nk Jitender
L/Nk Vivek
L/Nk S Teja