Guwahati: Nagaon police in central Assam busted several fake currency and gold rackets in the last few days. The police also nabbed many drug dealers with drugs and arms in the district. In operation conducted by Aditional SP (HQ), Dhruba Bora, Nagaon police apprehended a thug dealing in Fake Currency and fake gold on Tuesday (December 30) night. Saddam Hussain of Ramani village was caught with huge numbers of fake currency and a printing machine. Police also seized a large quantity of fake gold from Saddam's possession.
Nagaon police arrested another criminal dealing with fake currency. Faruk Hussain of Alisinga village in Morigaon, along with his gang, used to dupe people by showing photos/videos of currencies and then rob them when they came for delivery. Many such gangs are active in the district. These gangs were involved in fake currency circulation and robbery, police said.
In another successful operation by Nagaon police, Md Faizul Islam and Md Siddik Ali were arrested with one pistol and nine rounds of ammunition. Police also seized drugs from them at Gorahagi Village, Nagaon. Police sources said that these drug gangs now carry weapons and may even fire on police teams to escape.
Another wanted Drug Dealer, Arzul Ali (48yrs) of Nagaon district, was arrested by a team of police and recovered codeine syrup from the scooter he was riding. This dangerous drug dealer was also involved in attacking a Police team in 2019 to escape.
The police caught another drug peddler, Rofik Ali (45yrs), of Lowgaon Salmari in Nagaon. Fourteen full vials of heroin kept for retail were seized from his possession. Following a confirmed tipoff, the police team arrested One more drug peddler, Nazmul Haque (45yrs) of Bherbheri, along with 2 (two) box Heroin at Dhupguri Colony Basti.
Police teams in the same locality seized three boxes of heroin and arrested three peddlers, including one transgender from Kodomoni Pathar. Abdul Karim, Rupali Akhter and Shoidul Islam have been arrested before further retailing their consignment.
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