The partition of the country was extremely painful incident and this pain will be lessened only if the country is united again, said Sarsanghchalak ji. He was speaking at a book launch event in Noida on Thursday (November 25) evening.
There could be no compromise with the unity and integrity of the country and if there will be a need, we will fight and die for the unity and integrity of the country but there will be no compromise, said Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat ji in Noida on Thursday (November 25).
He also said we had once witnessed the extremely painful experience of partition and this pain will only be lessened if the country is ‘Akhand’ again. He said, “Jo khandit ho gaya use akhandit karana hoga (What was divided will need to be united again).”
Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat ji was speaking in Noida on Thursday (November 25) evening at the launch of book “Vibhajankalin Bharat Ke Sakshi by Krishnanand Sagar”.
Revisiting the political developments leading to the partition, he said that following the policy of appeasement, a section of political leadership capitulated. But, still, they could not save partition. He also emphasised that the partition has not solved the problems of the countries.
The Congress leadership at the time of Independence lacked self-confidence. Mahatma Gandhi had earlier said that the country would be divided only on his dead body but just weeks later tacitly supported the Muslim League’s demand for a separate country.
Talking about the significance of history, Sarsanghchalak ji said that history should be presented as it happened, without moderating. Only then the present and future generations can learn from the mistakes of the past and make necessary amendments.
More than 25 lakh Hindus were murdered and countless were rendered homeless. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in August this year that August 14 would be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.
He had said, “Partition’s pains can never be forgotten. Millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence. In memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.”
Sarsanghchalak ji said that it is necessary to remember the pain and suffering of our forefathers so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Recalling one incident from his childhood, Sarsanghchalak ji said, “Once I had made a presentation of one hour about the tragedy of partition. After the presentation, I could not sleep for two hours. The sufferings of the people were echoing in my mind.”
The Indian resistance was so powerful that the decline of the British empire started in India. But the political leadership of Congress had lost all self-confidence at the time of partition.
Sarsanghchalak ji said that everyone needs to shun the feeling of dominating the other.
Author of the book, Krishnand Sagar ji said that the partition was not the end of the divisive extremist ideology. Immediately after the partition, a new slogan was raised “Hans ke liya Pakistan, Lad ke lenge Hindustan.” (We got Pakistan on a platter, we will fight to capture India.)
Recalling one incident form November 25, 1947, Sagar ji said more than 20000 Hindus were murdered by Muslims in Jammu & Kashmir’s Mirpur.
More than 20 lakh Hindus lost their lives in the partition but no attempt was made by successive governments to document the pain and sufferings of those victims.
Justice (Retd) Shambhu Nath Shrivastava said that it’s painful that no commission was formed to investigate the partition tragedy. He added that the partition tragedy should have been investigated thoroughly and Pakistan should have been taken to the United Nations for its transgressions.
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