Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaat has pasted wall posters all over Tamil Nadu advising people not burst crackers on Diwali. The posters of Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaat has outburst among Hindus.
Wall Posters Against Bursting Crackers
Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaat is a Salafi radical Muslim group which has lakhs of adherents and branches all over Tamil Nadu. On the eve of Diwali, TNTJ has pasted wall posters all across Tamil Nadu warning people not burst firecrackers. According to TNTJ posters, bursting firecrackers is against Islam and those who burst crackers will land in hell, and it is also against the environment. TNTJ propaganda against bursting firecrackers is not only through wall posters but also done through their social media bayan videos in Face Book and You Tube. In one bayan video, TNTJ propaganda wing secretary named MS Syed say, Diwali is not a peaceful festival like Ramadan or other Islamic festivals. Hundreds of people lose their life in freak accidents while making firecrackers for Diwali and health condition of lakh people is affected while bursting it. Syed further questions “how can Diwali be called a peaceful festival while it is responsible for the death of hundreds of people yearly?
Hindus Response
TNTJ posters has created outburst among Hindus. Hindus poured their angst in social media questioning what Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaat, a radicalized Muslim group, has to do anything with Hindu festivals and what is necessity for them to unnecessarily poke their nose on Hindu festivals?
This is not the first time. Every year when Diwali approaches, wall posters against bursting crackers and celebrating Diwali, props up across Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamaat started this, and now other radical Islamic outfits following the suit. Wall posters and public hoardings against celebrating Diwali and bursting fir crackers are commonly witnessed particularly in Muslim dominated areas in Tamil Nadu. Replying to criticism, TNTJ sources say that wall posters against bursting firecrackers is a warning message only to Muslims and not for the Hindus. Bursting crackers or celebrating Diwali is against Islam and those who vehemently performs the act will go to hell.
Pic 1: TNTJ poster which says “dear Islamic community, don’t do this act (bursting crackers) by you hand. Allah bless only those who do good”. Those who unnecessarily spend (crackers) are siblings are of Sheitan (devil).
Pic 2: TNTJ poster says Do not burst crackers which is not good for health and life. Let us lead a healthy life by not bursting it.
Pic 3: Let us not burst crackers which is against health, environment and humanity. This wall posters were pasted at Arupukkotai in Virudhunagar district. A local restaurant named Hotel Taj sponsored for this wall posters. TNTJ get sponsors to print wall posters from local Muslim shopkeepers and businessmen.
Pic 4: TNTJ supporter twitter post against bursting crackers
Pic 5: A Hindu twitter post from 2019 questioning TNTJ for interfering in Hindu faith.
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