In the shocking incident of an 11-year-old girl dying due to her parent’s unwillingness to shift to a hospital, a Muslim cleric and her father have been arrested by the Kerala police. The girl Fathima was the daughter of Abdul Sattar and Sabira. In the investigation, the police have found that the girl died because of not getting medical treatment. Police has arrested Kunjippally Imam Uwaisi.
According to the reports, similar religious cure methods are being practiced in the Kannur town area. The Muslim preachers/clerics claiming that verses from Quran can cure illness are getting more followers these days.
Avoided modern medicine and chose Islamic treatment, 11-year-old Fathima dies in Kerala
An 11-year-old girl, Fathima, died in Kerala after her parents refused to treat her with modern medicines and instead relied on Islamic religious cure. According to her neighbours, Fathima was suffering from a high fever for the past four days. They also said that Fathima’s parents are orthodox religious believers and don’t believe in modern medicines.
After her health deteriorated further, she was taken to a private hospital in the early morning, but the hospital officials confirmed that she was brought dead.
Another death under similar circumstances had happened in Fathima’s family earlier.
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