Imphal: Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh announced a cash reward worth Rs 5 lakh to anyone who can provide inputs about the terrorists involved in the recent indiscriminate firing in B Gamnom village, Kangpokpi district of Manipur. Unidentified terrorists killed four innocent villagers, including an eight-year-old boy and the headman of the village.
Chief Minister N Biren Singh condemned the killings of innocent people and termed it as an act of barbaric terrorism. He announced a cash reward of rupees 5 lakhs to whoever provides information about the terrorists involved in the B Gamnom village firing.
At least four people, including an eight-year-old child, were killed while two others were injured after several insurgents opened fire at a gathering in B Gamnom village on Tuesday (October 12).
The incident occurred when the villagers who were organising the funerals of the killed Kuki National Liberation Army (KNLA) members. Four militants were killed in encounters with security forces in a nearby forest hideout. Suddenly, a group of heavily armed terrorists indiscreetly fired on those villagers, killed four people on the spot and injured several.
CM Biren Singh condemned the barbaric killings and said, "Killing innocent people, especially minors, is a heinous act for which the government will not spare or compromise those responsible."
On 12 October, when the gunfire took place at around 11.30 am, Two locals were killed on the spot, including village chief NP Kholen. Later, authorities discovered two more dead in the village's area, both with bullet wounds.
Two people, including a two-year-old kid, were seriously injured in the firing. Locals claim that a rival group of the Kuki insurgency Police has made no arrests is involved in the firing.