Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has ordered a probe on the ‘biological weapon’ comment made by filmmaker Ayesha Sultana. In one of the television debates in the Media One news channel owned by Jamaat-e-Islami, Ayesha had made a comment that the union government was planning for a biological weapon in Lakshadweep. Akhil Bharatiya Grahak Panchayat state coordinator Adv Ratheesh Gopalan had written a complaint to the Union Home Ministry about the statement. The complaint was forwarded by the Home Ministry to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Actress Aisha Sultana makes an anti-national statement in Malayalam channel, claims India used bio-weapon in Lakshadweep; BJP files complaint
At a time when Islamists are trying to fuel anti-India sentiments in Lakshadweep, actress Aisha Sultana was seen making anti-national comments in a Malayalam news channel Media One, linked to the controversial Islamist organisation, Jamaat-e-Islami. Ayesha claimed that India used Corona as a biological weapon against Lakshadweep. The BJP representative in the channel discussion immediately asks her to withdraw her anti-national comment. But the actress was reluctant to do so.
Regarding her controversial comments, BJP has given complaints at Palakkad, Pathanamthitta and Thiruvananthapuram police stations.