Former Chief Justice of Patna High Court Justice J B Koshi said that RSS should be supported to resist the rise of terrorism from spreading further as it happened in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was addressing the Vijayadashami program organised by RSS Edappally Nagar in Kerala. He also reminded the gathering about the recent killings of Hindus in Kashmir valley by the terrorists.
Justice J B Koshi also said that there is a deliberate attempt to portray RSS as anti-minority, which is utterly false. RSS is a great patriotic organisation working for the progress of this nation, he added. Commenting about the role played by RSS on unifying the society he also pointed out that RSS is trying to unite everyone irrespective of their religion, caste, gender and every other difference.
Justice J B Koshi also appreciated the Sewa works done by RSS during the Kerala flood and during national lockdown imposed due to COVID-19.
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