The Kashmiri Pandit community in Srinagar celebrated 'Vyeth Truvah' on the birthday of river Goddess Vitasta, commonly known as Jhelum with great enthusiasm and fervour on Saturday.
'Vyeth Truvah', according to ancient Kashmiri texts, is the day when Jhelum originated in the Valley.
Before migration, Pandits in the Valley used to celebrate the day with elaborate rituals in which traditional earthen lamps were floated in the Jhelum waters.
The revival of this age old culture of Kashmir after 32 years was the initiative of Shanti Manas Foundation in association with Sanatan Dharam Shital Nath Ashram Sabha.
“It is heartening to see the revival of these age old customs again in Kashmir. This pious celebration was only possible with help and support of our breathen from all communities including Muslims and Sikhs, which showcases the return of peace, communal harmony and normalcy in Kashmir,” said Anjali Kaul from Shanti Manas Foundation.
The function was held on Purshiyar ghat at Haba Kadal in old Srinagar and was honoured by the gracious presence of Pandurang K Pole, Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir.
Five ghats adjoining the famous temples in old Srinagar were illuminated in the evening. The celebrations commenced with customary playing of tradition music by artists on boats sailing down the Jhelum river at dusk.
The event at Purshiyar ghat included pooja, arti and release of earthen lamps in the river. The celebrations concluded with as small procession by the locals which included people from all communities—(KNO)
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