In the draft charge sheet, National Investigation Agency (NIA) has said that accused in the Koregaon-Bhima and Elgar Parishad cases had recruited students of various universities including Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) as well as Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) to carry out terror activities in India.
NIA has also said that the accused wanted to establish their own government and "wage a war against the nation" in its draft charge sheet.
In its charge sheet submitted before the NIA Special Court's Special Judge DE Kothalikar, NIA alleged that the accused had an intent to strike terror in the minds of people by using explosive substances.
"That accused recruited students from various universities including the Jawaharlal Nehru University and Tata Institute of Social Science for commission of terrorist activity," the charge-sheet read.
Sixteen people have been arrested and six others are absconding in connection with the Koregaon-Bhima and Elgar Parishad cases.
The accused also conspired to demand and organise Rs 8 crores for "annual supply of M4 (sophisticated weapon) with 400000 rounds and other arms" from Nepal and Manipur, NIA has added.
In its draft charges submitted before a special court, the NIA said that the accused threatened India's sovereignty, integrity and security by conspiring against "govt or civil authorities/public functionaries".
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