The BSF personnel from the Tripura frontier recently foiled several attempts by smugglers and seized 43.5 kilograms of Ganja, seven cattle and assorted contraband items combined worth rupees 13,03,870.
Guwahati: Continuing to curb the trans-international border smuggling along the Bharat-Bangladesh border, the BSF personnel from the Tripura frontier recently foiled several attempts by smugglers and seized 43.5 kilograms of Ganja, seven cattle and assorted contraband items combined worth rupees 13,03,870.
On the intervening night of 1-2 August, the vigilant border-men, while acting on specific intelligence input, seized 650 packets of firecrackers valued at rupees 9,75,000, which were clandestinely hidden in the rubber Bagan area under Kalamchoura police station for smuggling purposes.
Similarly, the BSF troops also seized 40 kg Ganja worth rupees 2,00,000 in the area next to the international border under the police station. All the confiscated contrabands and Ganja were handed over to the concerned authorities for further disposal.