Guwahati: Visiting Union home minister Amit Shah on Sunday launched two important development projects at Cherrapunji during his second day’s program in Meghalaya before arriving in Guwahati by the afternoon hours. Shah launched Green Sohra Afforestation Campaign and also inaugurated Greater Sohra Water Supply Scheme for the benefit of dwellers.
DoNER minister G. Kishen Reddy, Union science & technology minister Dr Jitendra Singh, Meghalaya chief minister Conrad Sangma with senior officials from both the Centre and State government were present on the occasion, where Shah pronounced the slogan ‘Evergreen Northeast’ underlining the importance of afforestation.
Cherrapunji (locally known as Sohra) used to have rains throughout the year, but due to indiscriminate harvesting in the name of development, the situation has changed, commented the senior Bhartiya Janata Party leader, adding that the ambitious project to make Cherrapunji green again has started.
The entire Cherrapunji locality would be adopted by Assam Rifles for the massive plantation drive. Over 80% of the total land areas are prepared for plantation of long lifespan trees and the remaining areas would be used for animal feed, ornamental plants and nurseries, he informed. Shah also opined that eco-tourism would benefit the locals of Meghalaya.
The battle to reduce carbon emissions to fight the global warming cannot be successful without the cooperation of common people, asserted Shah adding that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done a great initiative here by encouraging tree plantations, enhancing solar power productions and also distributing cooking gas cylinders to the needy families.
He also declared that under the Jal Jeevan Mission initiative, the State government and DoNER ministry have decided to provide pure drinking water through taps to every household. Shah admitted that providing drinking water to over 2,80,000 families, some of whom live in remote areas of Meghalaya, is a matter of challenge, but it would be fulfilled without delay.
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