ComScore, American analytics and data company, published the latest figures for digital readership. Major American news outlets' readership have dropped, in some cases, by as much as half.
With Donald Trump not in the White House, a massive drop in the digital readership of major US news outlets continues. The New York Times has lost more than a third of its readership, and The Washington Post has lost nearly a third of its readership (27.5%).
Time, The Atlantic, and ABC News have lost more than half of their readership.
The Guardian, which is based in the UK and has a US edition, has lost a third of its readership.
The slide continues in the digital news operations of CNN. It has lost more than 20% of its readership.
Paul Farhi, who covers US media for The Washington Post, tweeted on Monday (July 19), “The post-Trump news slump continues online. Traffic has declined at leading news sites almost every month since January peak and from a year ago.”
CNBC has lost almost 37% of its readership, while Forbes has lost more than 60% of its readership.
Of the 25 major US news outlets, the only exception is BuzzFeed news which has gained a readership of 7%.
Former US President Donald Trump had said, in 2017, “Newspapers, television, all forms of media (in the US) will tank if I’m not there.”
American journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted, “Without Trump, the Atlantic has lost *more than half* of its online audience in the last year alone. The NYT and the Guardian have lost 1/3 of theirs. MSNBC and CNN's cable ratings are even worse.
Trump single-handedly saved this industry for four years.”
He added, “Meanwhile, independent journalists who didn't base their entire existence and worldview on Trump — but understood there were other relevant power centers, problems, and pathologies that had nothing to do with him — are thriving more than never. Maybe draw some lessons from this?”
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