“Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui was killed by Taliban on Friday (July 16) night in Spin Boldak district in Kandahar. He was working for international news agency Reuters.”
Many wrote condolence messages after the killing of Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui by the Taliban in Spin Boldak district in Kandahar in Afghanistan on Friday (July 16) night.
The United States and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), too, condoled the killing of Danish Siddiqui. But, both refrained from mentioning Taliban in the condolence messages.
The US State Department spokesperson Ned Price condoled the death of Siddiqui writing, “Deeply saddened by the death of Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Danish Siddiqui today. We call for an end to the violence in Afghanistan, which has claimed far too many lives, including the lives of many journalists. A political settlement is the only way forward.”
He did not mention that Siddiqui was killed by the Taliban.
Similarly, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condoled the death of Siddiqui writing “Media working in #Afghanistan & journalism itself in the country is under increasing threat. Our deep condolences to family & friends of @dansiddiqi. A painful reminder of mounting dangers faced by media in Afghanistan. Authorities must investigate this & all killing of reporters.” It, too, did not mention the Taliban.
On the contrary, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani did mention the Taliban in his condolence message. He wrote “I am deeply saddened with the shocking reports that Reuters Photojournalist Danish Siddiqui was killed while covering the Taliban atrocities in Kandahar. While I extend my heartfelt condolences to Sidiqqui’s family and also to our media family, I reiterate my government’s unwavering commitment to freedom of speech and protection of free media and journalists.”
Indian journalist Aditya Raj Kaul, who has covered many wars, wrote on Twitter on Friday (July 16) “Terrible Terrible news. Our dearest Danish Siddiqui, Reuters Chief photojournalist, was killed in clashes in Spin Boldak district in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He was embedded with Afghan forces which came under attack by Taliban. Remember reporting with him on many assignments. RIP.”