In a shocking incident, Samajwadi Party (SP) workers were seen raising ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans during a protest rally in Agra. During the rally led by SP city president Wajid Nisar, the supporters were heard saying ‘Akhilesh Yadav Zindabad’ which was followed ‘Pakistan Zindabad’.
The UP BJP took the matter to Twitter and tweeted, “Today in Agra, slogans of Pakistan Zindabad were raised in a rally against the BJP under the leadership of Samajwadi Party city president Wajid Nisar. Is Samajwadi Party operating from Pakistan?”
Today the SP workers were hearing saying Pakistan Zindabad. In a video viral on social media, they can be heard raising such slogans. We are examining the video. After that, action will be taken,” said the Agra SP.