Guwahati: Assam chief minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma, also in charge of State home portfolio, while answering questions from the opposition members in the State legislative assembly on Thursday citing a series of reports from Organiser on zero-tolerance against crimes, reiterated the government stand against the rapists, murderers, drug-peddlers, human traffickers etc.
Elaborating on the addressing mechanism of the BJP led government in Dispur against various crimes, CM Sarma asserted that the police forces would take strong actions under the law against the dreaded criminals whenever necessary. He insisted that the police on duty would take necessary actions if a criminal tries to flee from the custody after attacking them.
He stated that the government cannot allow unruly elements to kill the police personnel. Speaking about the recent incidents of police encounters, Sarma claimed that the government and its police are not trigger happy and the police actions are meant as a deterrent so that the feared criminals do not dare to target the police personnel on duty.
Narrating the story of accused rapist-murder Syed Ali, who confessed about his crimes against a minor girl in Morigaon recently, Sarma informed the house that the 65 years old individuals first killed the girl belonging to the minority community and then raped her from ‘both sides. Ali lost the sense of humanity and so when he tried to escape the custody, it was the duty of police personnel to prevent him even with a shot on his leg.
Highlighting the operations against illegal drug trades in Assam, Sarma informed that the State police arrested over 1895 drug peddlers and registered 1120 cases in the last few weeks. He also added that within these days, around 27 kg heroin, 12823 kg ganja, 41 kg opium, 78,000 cough syrup bottles, 3 kg morphine, 3 kg crystalline, 33 kg poppy straw, etc were seized from these criminals.
Sarma also commented that the menace of illegal drugs in the State is much larger in proportion than anticipated. He believes that the problem started a few years back and continued to flourish involving powerful individuals and extremist organizations (not Ulfa) in the tune of crores of rupees and if it is not dealt with an iron hand, the situation would be out of control in near future.