Key Takeaways

This is not an image make-over or political exercise. Sangh has never cared about the image. This is not even an attempt to get Muslim votes for the next elections, as we don't get into that politics, vote politics or party politics. Yes, we have firm ideas about what should happen in the nation and what should not. We are in favor of the national interest, not any political party.

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  • This is not an image make-over or political exercise. Sangh has never cared about the image. This is not even an attempt to get Muslim votes for the next elections, as we don’t get into that politics, vote politics or party politics. Yes, we have firm ideas about what should happen in the nation and what should not. We are in favor of the national interest, not any political party. Whoever says anything that goes against the national interest, we will oppose it and whatever goes in its favor, we will support the same.
  • There are some things that politics cannot do. There are some things that politics spoils. The work of connecting human beings is not going to be done through politics.
  • A Book that sincerely gives a call for Hindu-Muslim unity and states the historical facts as they are, so I accepted the invitation to the function.
  • The progress of the nation does not happen without the existence of an organised society. Organised society does not mean a mere structure but an intimately connected society with the sense of belongingness.
  • Hindu-Muslim unity is a misleading concept. We believe that we are one, as Hindus and Muslims of Bharat are connected. When we start believing that we are not connected, then both are into trouble. As per the Bharatiya tradition, we do not become different just because of difference in way of worships. In Bharat we have sects worshipping both with a definite form (deity) and formless. Individually we may follow either of the two but we respect the other faiths. That does not affect my devotion and beliefs.
  • Common motherland, that nurtures us with abundance, is the first basis of our oneness and unity. Though the problem of population explosion is looming large, and for the future needs we have to address this issue, as of now, this pious land provides us enough to take care of the existing population.
  • Due to this motherland, we have got the cultural diversity, in terms of food, languages, faiths etc, which is a second common point that connects us.
  • Common ancestry is third point that binds us together. It is a scientifically proven fact that DNA of all people living in Bharat is the same.
  • As mentioned by the author of this book, it is a fact that the word Hindutva became popular only after the Khilafat movement. The Sangh thought process also evolved around the same time. Dr Hedgewar believed that it is wrong on the part of Hindus to keep blaming the British and Muslims for their state of affairs. There must be some lacuna in the Hindu society that it faced the colonisation despite the ancient society and noble thoughts. Those shortcomings should be addressed, was the firm belief of Dr Hedgewar.
  • Yes, historically there have been nuisance that led to destruction, and some of it continues even today. But the so-called minorities and I call them so-called, because for us they are part and parcel of the same society. The problems of this society are not there just because of minoritysm is the firm conviction of Sangh.
  • The fear has been created about the Sangh that this will create the majority rule and Islam would be danger. We should remember that whoever came to this land still exists with their unique identity. This has been our tradition which is reflected in the Constitutional provisions also. If there are any excesses, there would be opposition voices from the majority community itself.
  • I can be popular by aggressive speeches but Hindu society would not accept that wholeheartedly. That is why I had said earlier that if a Hindu says that not a single Muslim would stay here, then that Hindu would not remain Hindu.
  • I have not said this first time in Sangh. This has been our thought from the times of Dr Hedgear. Sri Guruji, Shri Balasaheb Deoras said the similar things in different words. Then the strength and influence of Sangh was limited, now it has increased and therefore, people pay attention to it, is the only difference.
  • Hindustan is a single national entity, Rashtra. Despite differences of opinions on certain issues, even our perceived interests and history, the facts that we are the children of common ancestors and we are one society do not change. The unity cannot sustain on the basis of narrow interests and bargaining strategy.
  • There were many efforts of assimilation. The way Islam prominently entered Bharat, it was through aggressors. Neither you nor I can change this historical fact. Many in Bharat, including the saintly figures like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Tuakaram Maharaj tried to convince for dialogue. Till now most of the efforts were political and therefore, they were not successful. The responsible elites of the society have to take this up as a long term project. There have been historical wounds which would not go away instantaneously.
  • The general perception is, if something goes against the national interests, Hindus will call it out even against Hindus but the same is not visible about the Muslim society. Internally some voices may crop up but publically it is not visible.
  • Sangh Swayamsevaks knows that we are a Hindu organisation and want to make Hindus powerful. But our vision is that of Hindu, that is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Discord can never be the solution, Dialogue can. Understanding each other at some point of time, everyone has to walk together to make our country big. In the interest of our society, we have to rise above the parochial interests and should accept the motherland, traditions-culture and ancestry as the binding factors. While doing this, no one has to give up his/her way of worship. There can be multiple paths but the Ultimate truth is same has been our national thought.
  • This is not the destination but just a beginning. There are many obstacles. Many disturbing elements would crop up time and again which would derail the process. Wars, hatred, riots, tensions etc have been historical facts that obviously impact the mind. The same thing happened at the time of Khilafat movement that led to the creation of Pakistan. This historical background has created mistrust and alienation which we need to remove. This does not mean overcome these hurdles. For that, we have to remove the negativity from the social psyche, which does not mean hiding or negating the facts but accepting it as it is.
  • Hindustan is a Hindu Rashtra and Gau-mata is a revered here. But people involved in lynching are going against Hindutva. Some of the cases may be fabricated also. We should treat it as an act of crime and treat it as per the rule of law.
  • Some people would not like this initiative because of the bitter experiences in the past but we have to prepare them. Hindu society as per the tradition, nation, thinking and mindset has always been favourable to this. We can say this based on the feedback we are getting from the ground. Sangh is an effort to maintain that confidence, built a self-belief.
Neither majority nor minority domination, all of us will have to work for taking Bharat to the pinnacle of glory. For us all the people living in this land are Hindus and even a single person is deprived due to some reason we cannot realise our goal. To consider this land as the motherland, inheritance of common cultural heritage and common ancestry is the common foundation on which our socio-cultural unity is possible. I consider this programme as the beginning of this process.
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